This study evaluated outcomes in children aged less than eight years with corneal laceration and traumatic cataract who had cataract extraction one to eight weeks after primary corneal wound repair. This was a retrospective study of 47 eyes of 47 patients; 33 males and 14 females. Mean age at injury was 5.9±2.2 years. Follow-up was from six months to three years. The mean gap between wound repair and cataract surgery was five weeks. Final best corrected visual acuity was 1.48 to 0.0 logMAR with a mean of 0.3±0.4. Seventy-six percent achieved 6/12 or better. Mean postoperative spherical equivalent was -1.80DS. Seventy-two percent had postoperative corneal astigmatism of up to 3.50DCyl, 14% with 3.50 to 5DCyl and 14% with <5DCyl. Forty percent developed post capsular opacification. The authors conclude that early removal of cataract with IOL implant within eight weeks of primary corneal repair can have excellent visual and refractive outcomes.

Visual and refractive outcomes of children after early secondary cataract extraction following wound repair for penetrating ocular trauma.
Arora K, Arora P, Ganesh S, et al.
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Fiona Rowe (Prof)

Institute of Population Health, University of Liverpool, UK.

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