This prospective, randomised, double-masked, single-surgeon study compared the visual outcome between two commonly used extended depth of focus (EDOF) lenses, the Tecnis Symfony IOL (Johnson & Johnson Vision) and the Acrysof IQ Vivity IOL (Alcon Laboratories, Inc.). Sixty-nine patients underwent uncomplicated bilateral cataract surgery and results were compared after three months. The visual disturbance profile was assessed using the Questionnaire for Visual Disturbances (QUVID) by masked assessors. The visual acuity results for distance, intermediate and near, were comparably excellent in both groups. However, the frequency of starbursts and glare was reported more as “never” by the Vivity group than the Symfony group. More patients reported “moderate” or “severe” starbursts (34%), halos (17%) and glare (20%) in the Symfony group than the Vivity group (8.8%, 0% and 3% consecutively, p-values < 0.05). The bothersomeness level was better in the Vivity group (0-3%) than the Symfony group (6-14%). This study is limited by the short-term follow-up period and the sample size. Nevertheless, the results suggest Vivity patients might have fewer significant visual disturbances after three months.
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- Symfony and vivity: comparing two EDOF IOLs