Excel tips
In previous articles Microsoft Outlook and OneNote have been the focus. Here, it is Microsoft Excel that gains the spotlight. Excel is a powerful tool, likely known, at least to a basic degree, to all readers. Below are walkthroughs of...
Using OneNote in teams
Much like Outlook, Word, PowerPoint and Excel, OneNote is part of Microsoft Office. For this reason it is likely that you will have access to it in your work environment. Used in isolation it is an easy to use and...
Outlook email tips
Keeping on top of your work email can be quite a challenge in the context of a busy job. Below are a series of tips that you may find helpful in keeping your inbox at bay. The instructions and screenshots...
Chrome extensions
Chrome is the most popular internet browser, with 44% of the market share (April ‘19). The other browsers of relevance are: Safari (31%) and Firefox (14%). Both Chrome and Firefox can be used on PC and Mac. Safari is only...
App and web service recommendations
This article offers some app and web service suggestions. A few are new and others well established, but all offer useful features. Messaging for teams Many businesses provide their employees with instant messaging services to allow calling, messaging and collaboration....
A connected workplace - Part 2
In Part 1 of this topic (bit.ly/ENconnected) the need for a mature ophthalmic imaging network was described. Here, I provide a scoring scheme that can be used to articulate the maturity of existing devices. As with any scoring system, the...