Portable corneal topography – exploration of a prototype
Ophthalmic imaging devices, such as corneal topographers, are not widespread in the developing world. A small device that connects to a smartphone might be a solution to improve developing nation access to corneal imaging. I recently had the opportunity to...
OXSIGHT Onyx – A sight-enhancing wearable
The Onyx is a newly-released (late 2021) wearable with a powered magnifier to assist those with central vision impairment. Unlike the previously covered wearable devices, this enhances existing sight. The unit can either be held against the eyes when needed,...
Envision Glasses – A different take on a sight impairment wearable (part 2)
This is the second part of the review of the Envision Glasses (see Part 1 here), a wearable piece of assistive technology. Features From the main menu four feature modes can be chosen: Read, Identify, Find and Call. The Glasses...
Envision Glasses – a different take on a sight impairment wearable (part 1)
In recent issues we reviewed the OrCam MyEye Pro, a glasses mounted mobile device that can assist sight impaired users. This time we are taking a look at the Envision Glasses, a comparable device that takes a different approach (see...
Virtual reality pupil assessment software
For Oct/Nov 2021 we review a virtual reality (VR) solution for training and assessing pupil function. Different types of VR exist, and the application described here is used on the Oculus Quest or Pico headsets. The user wears a headset...
OrCam MyEye – innovative sight assistance (Part 2)
Following on from Part 1 of this topic, we will cover the remaining features, pricing and support of the OrCam MyEye. Facial and person identification The MyEye Pro can be taught to recognise up to 150 individuals (or 75 if...
OrCam MyEye – innovative sight assistance (Part 1)
For Jun/Jul 20201 and Aug/Sep 2021 we have a two-part review (see Part 2 here) of an innovative piece of sight impairment technology. The device is called a MyEye, made by OrCam. I was given the opportunity to use the...
COMPlog – Electronic visual lane software
COMPlog is software designed to replace physical Snellen and LogMAR charts. We have been using COMPlog since 2017 in the unit where I work. Some readers may find our experience, and reasons for choosing this product, interesting. This article is...
The flexibility of virtual clinics
Virtual clinics in ophthalmology are typically associated with glaucoma and medical retina, where they are now a well-established part of the landscape. The availability of an ophthalmic electronic patient record (EPR) makes the deployment and management of virtual clinics much...
Transferring imaging from primary to secondary care (part 2)
Transferring clinical imaging from high street optometrists to secondary care is an increasingly requested option, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. A wide variety of solutions exist to allow this, each with their own merits and shortcomings. In...
Transferring imaging from primary to secondary care (part 1)
Transferring clinical imaging from high street optometrists to secondary care is an increasingly requested option, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. A wide variety of solutions exist to allow this, each with their own merits and shortcomings. For...
Video consultations after COVID-19
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, video consultations (VC) in eye care have been adopted in some regions and hospitals as a way of replacing some face to face ophthalmic consultations. I would like to use this column to...