You searched for "optical"

2640 results found

Social networking

The use of social networking is now very common in both home and work environments. The field is expanding continually and we have had some requests for a roundup of common platforms. What is social networking and social media? As...

Importance of vision input to postural stability

This literature review was undertaken to overview postural stability in strabismus and amblyopia. Postural stability is a complex skill that coordinates dynamic sensory mechanisms to facilitate sustained balance. The review discusses critical roles of vision in postural stability, e.g. postural...

Designing ophthalmology services - Part 1: How do we address the queues in a clinic?

This first of a three-part series shows how systems engineering can be used to correctly diagnose and address the causes of delays in a clinic. The second article, which will be featured in the April/May 2020 issue, describes how to...

Stromal cell alignment in damaged cornea

Stromal keratocytes are responsible for wound healing in the cornea following damage. Keratocytes at the site of injury become activated and differentiate to myofibroblasts which secrete extracellular matrix (ECM) to close the wound, a response mediated by transforming growth factor...

Nano-ophthalmology paves a new path in the future of eyecare

Introduction The treatments of ocular conditions in the field of ophthalmology varies from topical to surgical procedures. The field of nanotechnology is one of the fast-growing fields of medicine, which plays an important role in turning the impossibilities of the...

SOS (Simplified Ophthalmic Statistics) Part 2: How to summarise your data and why it’s a good idea to do so

Studies involve capturing data. Statistical techniques allow data to be used to answer important research questions. A case series may have data on a handful of subjects but we are now entering the Big Data arena where datasets can be...

Ophthalmology (third edition)

If you are an ophthalmologist who enjoys books with coloured pictures, you’re no lone wolf. The third edition of Lang’s Ophthalmology will definitely pique your primal ophthalmologist instincts. You will be drawn to its soft-bound yet sturdy looking exterior. Flicking...

A novel computerised portable pupillometer detects and quantifies relative afferent pupillary defect

We have all had referrals from A&E telling us that a patient can’t see out of one eye. Sleepily we may ask “Is there an relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD)?” to evaluate the seriousness of the presentation. The response is...

Retinoblastoma – the challenges of a rare cancer and the role of international partnerships

Introduction: the global challenge The global burden of retinoblastoma (Rb) is one in 15,000-18,000 live births, which equates to 8000 new cases worldwide each year. The global disparities in Rb outcome represent a paradigm of health inequality worldwide [1]. In...

Commonwealth nations join forces to prevent blindness from diabetes

More than 70 representatives from 10 Commonwealth countries (in the African, Caribbean and Pacific regions) and Indonesia gathered at a five-day workshop in November 2014 to establish district or national plans to reduce blindness from diabetic retinopathy (DR). The event...

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus: a clinician’s perspective

Introduction Herpes zoster, commonly known as shingles, is caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus (VZV). The term herpes is derived from a Greek work, herpein, which means ‘creeping’ and the word zoster means a belt or a girdle...

Migraine and risk of retinal artery occlusion

This retrospective cohort study assessed whether migraine was associated with an increased risk of retinal artery occlusion. They reviewed a large insurance database of 418,965 patients who suffered with migraines between 2007 and 2016. These were then matched with an...