You searched for "lesions"

1794 results found

Diagnostic error rates for ROP detection by trainee ophthalmologist in middle-income countries

The purpose of this study was to describe errors in ROP diagnosis made by ophthalmologists-in-training from programmes in middle-income countries including Brazil, the Philippines and Mexico who participated in a tele-education programme. Trainees were tested on 20 cases from a...

Reduced blood flow and age-related macular degeneration

This was a prospective cross-sectional study assessing changes in blood flow velocity in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) using a retinal function imager. Sixty eyes with wet AMD were compared to 53 control eyes and the average blood flow...

Ophthalmic Aid to Eastern Europe (OAEE)

Peter Cackett, Tim ffytche and Dr Irina Gout reflect on historic ophthalmic aid sent to Eastern Europe. This article was written prior to the horrific events in Ukraine. An appeal for funds and equipment may be made by OAEE later...

Old dogs

It is always nice to get a thank you card, especially so when it comes from someone at the tail end of an overbooked clinic who had waited patiently well past their appointed slot. Such was the case when I...

The fragile p-value

Abdus Samad Ansari explores the limitation of the p-value and the application of the fragility index in clinical trials. Clinical trials and tribulations? The restoration of vision or more purely the gift of sight is an aspect of care that...

The results of the last survey Feb21

Once again, I am grateful for the responses and read the results with interest. I am always surprised by the amount of practice variation I see. I fully accept there is art in what we do and there is no...

Brexit, for richer, for poorer: prospects for post-withdrawal Britain

The people of the United Kingdom voted by 52% to 48% to leave the European Union (EU) in June 2016, a referendum decision intended by a slim majority to restore national self-determination and achieve what many believed to be a...

Can thou lyse this? A national study of emergency canthotomy and cantholysis

Eighty-two-year old Janet Smith woke up on the floor. Had she been unconscious? Her head hurt. It was the middle of the night, but in the darkness she suddenly wasn’t sure whether she could see out of her right eye....

The results of the last survey Oct21

This edition’s survey questions moved away from the deep and ethically charged questions of the recent surveys and focussed on simple and straightforward issues. This is really where the surveys began in exploring the minor practice variations which we have...

What's trending Jun/Jul 2020

Here in the UK, we’ve been in lockdown since 23 March 2020, with much of the rest of the world entering degrees of lockdown since February-March 2020. COVID-19 has dominated the headlines and social media, so without further ado, I...

Imaging without a slit-lamp, more Google Glass news and strabismus humour

Pinterest Many of you will know about this site that organises collections of mostly graphical information. It’s used heavily for fashion, recipes and cupcakes. Well, it seems it has also become quite a useful resource for ophthalmology, optometry and related...

External dacryocystorhinostomy in the management of childhood epiphora

Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction is thought to be caused by a membranous obstruction at the distal end of the nasolacrimal duct (NLD). Rarely, associated midline deformities in soft tissue and bony structures of the face are present in patients with...