You searched for "surgery"

2129 results found

Observership in Dar es Salaam

In this report, both authors present their personal experiences of an observership at the Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT) Hospital, a large regional teaching hospital located in Dar es Salaam, with a particular focus on resource management, attitudes...

My Top Five: Ophthalmology Twitter accounts

There are approximately 4.2 billion active social media users worldwide. This figure represents over half of the global population and is steadily rising [1]. There are currently over 217 million active Twitter users and given the platform’s versatility and ability...

My Top Five: Ophthalmology Twitter accounts

There are approximately 4.2 billion active social media users worldwide. This figure represents over half of the global population and is steadily rising [1]. There are currently over 217 million active Twitter users and given the platform’s versatility and ability...

The perfect interview to land the dream consultant job

Eight top tips for consultant interviews: 1. A person is not just an ophthalmologist. Trusts are appointing the person not just the ophthalmologist. On a consultant interview panel (AAC) there will be non-ophthalmologists (e.g. medical director, chief executive, lay chair)...

Diagnoses of dry eye disease double within a year

Over a third of Britons haven’t had an eye test within the last two years, while one in five have not had an eye test due to financial struggles.

Unique exhibition conveys experience of visual impairment

The exhibition ‘Windows of the Soul’, part of the Bloomsbury Festival in London, has been pioneered by a combination of young scientists, clinicians and artists, some of whom are visually impaired themselves.

The 103rd Oxford Ophthalmological Congress

By Rachel Pilling, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Bradford Teaching Hospital. As the 103rd Oxford Ophthalmological Congress draws to a close, we reflect back on an enlightening and enriching four days. One of the defining features of Oxford Congress is single stream programme...

Retinal prosthetics: science fiction or a vision for the future?

“Is it a fact – or have I dreamt it – that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time?” – Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House...

Report: National Student Ophthalmology Conference 2023

A report covering the NSOC23 event which took place on 25 March 2023.

Obituary: Sohan Singh Hayreh (1927 - 2022)

Sohan would have been 95 on 6 November this year, but due to complications of COVID-19, he passed away on 29 September.

In conversation with Robert Johnston

Robert Johnston. What is your current role with Medisoft? Clinical Director, i.e. I head up the analysis for and design of Medisoft’s ophthalmology electronic medical records (EMR) product. I don’t program: all coding is done by Medisoft’s team of computer...

An arm and a leg

“It cost me an arm and a leg.” – Mr B told me. An arm and a leg to be seen by the famous Russian eye surgeon who said that everybody can be spectacle-free. He took Mr B’s money (roughly...