You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

The focus group

I love conferences. Euretina I love above all others, and when it came to London in 2014 I was determined to attend. A few weeks before the conference was scheduled to begin a well-known pharmaceutical company sent me an email...

Do we really need the College to be Royal?

It is taken for granted in this country that all the best medical colleges are Royal. That they have the royal seal of approval from on high and therefore must be the best. I have been somewhat confused for a...

Trainee personality types

Over the past two years I have attended quite a number of medical educational seminars and ‘workshops’ and have been a bit shocked at how out of kilter with reality the world of education seems to be now. It seems...

Comic leaflets: an innovative method of patient education

Nowadays almost everyone has been exposed to comics, especially during childhood. In a way, this is a natural form of progression from children’s story books, which also contain words and pictures. This exposure has helped us to develop the graphic...

COMMENT ON: Watch your back: Ergonomics and Ophthalmology

Jim Innes. Dear Editors, I write to congratulate Aadil Hussain on his excellent Trainees article “Watch your back: Ergonomics and Ophthalmology”. Please can I reassure him that, at least in the Yorkshire School of Ophthalmology, the importance of good posture...

Interesting causes and consequences of orbital inflammations

Three articles discuss various causes and consequences or orbital cellulitis. The first highlights the possibility of orbital cellulitis causing cavernous sinus thrombosis and in the case presented progression to internal carotid artery aneurysm. The authors highlight the importance of considering...

Single-use cataract procedure sets from Surgitrac

Surgitrac instruments offers two new cataract procedure sets, ideal for the busy ophthalmologist.

The Preston Rule

The selection, specification and fitting of a spectacle frame necessitates the recording of certain measurements particular to the frame. These measurements are also essential when it is required to manufacture a handmade spectacle frame. Instruments designed to accomplish this task...

What to expect when meeting a statistician

There are a growing number of statisticians working closely with ophthalmologists. They have different training but they are driven by the same goal: to perform high quality evidence based clinical research [1,2]. In a perfect world we would simply conduct...

Is lens constant optimisation for IOLMaster indispensable in order to achieve a good refractive outcome?

A study of refractive outcomes following cataract surgery was carried out with the aim of comparing the postoperative refractive outcomes against Royal College of Ophthalmologists standards and to determine the extent of association between accuracy of intraocular lens (IOL) power...

Doctor by the sea (Pete’s Hidden Curriculum Part 1)

See Pete's Hidden Curriculum Part 2 here. “They can always hurt you more.” This is The Fat Man’s Law Number 8 from the book The House of God by Samuel Shem. For those that have not read this book, it...

Under pressure: a tool to aid the 
non-ophthalmic practitioner in the timely management of acute angle closure

Acute angle closure is a true ophthalmic emergency that mandates timely diagnosis and treatment. The priority in initial management is to lower the intraocular pressure in an expeditious matter using medical treatments. The risk of irreversible glaucomatous optic neuropathy is...