You searched for "periocular"

1234 results found

Pigmented paravenous retinochoroidal atrophy

Presentation A 46-year-old Caucasian female was referred to the eye clinic by her local optician following a routine sight test. She was noted to have pigmentary retinal changes in both eyes but was asymptomatic with no visual complaints. At presentation...

Treatment of infantile cataract with secondary IOLs

The authors examined whether secondary IOL insertion is helpful in the successful treatment of monocular infantile cataracts. Eleven children were reviewed: eight with cataract extraction at one to four months of age and three at five to seven months of...

Internuclear ophthalmoplegia: a case study

A 44-year-old patient presents with binocular, mostly horizontal diplopia when fixating on moving objects. This has been ongoing for approximately five years. He is known to have multiple sclerosis and had an episode of optic neuritis six years prior in...

Paediatric ptosis

Manoj Parulekar and colleagues provide a comprehensive overview of the diagnosis, assessment and management of childhood ptosis. Blepharoptosis (commonly referred to as ptosis – Greek, πτῶσις, ‘to fall’) is a condition where the upper eyelid is in an abnormally low...

Long-term specular microscopy following Nd: YAG iridotomy in chronic POAG

The aim of this study was to evaluate specular microscopy of chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma (CPACG) eyes at least one year after Nd:YAG iridotomy, and compare them with CPACG eyes without an iridotomy and age-matched, normal eyes. Nd:YAG laser causes...

Visual performance of new multifocal IOL

Multifocal IOLs (MIOLs) keep evolving to try and get the best outcome in terms of vision and reduction of side-effects. This prospective interventional study was carried out on 34 eyes of 17 patients (11 women (65%) and six men (35%))...

A clinical review of optic neuropathy associated with amiodarone

The authors present a clinical overview of the occurrence of visual loss secondary to optic neuropathy associated with the use of the antiarrhythmic agent amiodarone. Amiodarone is prescribed for the management of atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia / fibrillation. However,...

XXII SARCS (State of the Art Refractive Cataract Surgery) Symposium 2024

by Andrew Bourne, BSc, MCOptom, DipTp(IP), Dip Glauc, Principal Optometrist, Hull & East Yorkshire Eye Hospital, UK. Once again, Milind Pande welcomed over 220 ophthalmologists and allied professionals to his annual symposium, this year held once again at the University...

Outcomes after surgical excision of limbal dermoid

The authors aimed to report the visual and refractive outcomes and complications of simple excision of limbal dermoid (LD) sparing the visual axis and Descemet’s membrane in children aged ≤8 years. This was a retrospective review over 2000-2019 including 19...

Perceptual learning treatment for amblyopia

The authors previously conducted a feasibility study examining the potential benefit of a self-administered at-home use of a tablet-based perceptual learning (PL) game. Visual stimuli were presented in various orientations and spatial frequency in a game-play format. This study evaluates...

Using video-oculography to record monocular eye movements

The aim of this study was to examine the characteristics of monocular eye movements recorded using video-oculography (VOG). VOG monocular recording has become increasingly popular in comparison to electro-oculographic binocular recording, due to its simple technique. The authors evaluated the...

An unusual presentation of dysthyroid orbitopathy

The authors present a case of a 50-year-old male smoker who presented with bilateral gaze evoked amaurosis (GEA), i.e. the patient was aware of loss of vision in all gaze positions other than the primary position. The patient was being...