You searched for "visual"
Sub-clinical detection methods in multiple sclerosis
3 April 2023
| Claire Howard
Subclinical multiple sclerosis, axonal degeneration, frequency-doubling perimetry, optic neuritis, optical coherence tomography, standard automated perimetry
Visually symptomatic multiple sclerosis (MS) provides only part of the required information to assist in understanding the disease. Recently, researchers have concentrated their efforts on diagnosing MS cases in the subclinical period. The aim of this paper was to assess...
Microtropia as an amblyopia indicator
1 August 2019
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Amblyopia, anisometropia, microtropia, occlusion
This study was undertaken to determine if microtropia with identity (straight eye anisometropia) is a reliable indicator of amblyopia following optical correction. This was a retrospective review of 532 children aged four to five years. After two months of glasses...
VA and stereo changes with increasing Bangerter filters
1 June 2022
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Visual acuity, bangerter filters, stereoacuity
This study investigated the effect of monocular blur induced by Bangerter filters (BF) on both monocular and binocular visual acuity (VA) and stereoacuity in normal visual systems. Subjects included 24 healthy student volunteers aged 20.33 ±1.79 years; 22 female. One...
International orthoptics for stroke
1 June 2018
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Assessment, information, management, screening, stroke, survey, visual impairment
The purpose of this study was to consider the practice of orthoptists internationally in care provision for post stroke visual impairment through an international survey. An online survey of 30 questions was circulated via the International Orthoptic Association and completed...
Reported cases of hemifield slide phenomenon
1 October 2014
| Claire Howard
Binocular vision, diplopia, hemifield slide, strabismus surgery, visual field
This article reports three cases of hemifield slide, a phenomenon whereby there is an inability to stabilise and fuse visual hemifields. It occurs with heteronymous visual field loss and is thought to result from the loss of corresponding retinal points....
Oral proton pump inhibitors in macular degeneration patients
The authors report five patients with advanced wet macular degeneration and poor vision with onset or enhancement of visual hallucinations with the use of proton pump inhibitors for heartburn management. The hallucinations were reversible with discontinuation of medication. The authors...Translucent vs. lightproof occluders
1 February 2014
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
This study investigates the change in visual acuity following occlusion in amblyopes and non-amblyopes using translucent versus lightproof occlusion of the dominant eye. Group 1 non-amblyopes consisted of 26 subjects: 16 visually normal and 10 strabismic or anisometropic subjects without...
Intravitreal aflibercept for diabetic macular oedema
1 December 2015
| Brian Ang
The VISTA and VIVID randomised phase 3 trial were designed to compare the efficacy and safety of intravitreal aflibercept injections versus laser photocoagulation for diabetic macular oedema (DMO). A total of 872 patients with centrally involving DMO were recruited, and...
Touring eye expressions
Growing up as a small child in the late 80s, I would often look out of the train, bus, aeroplane, boat or car window and naturally form artistic visuals from real objects in my mind. In a year of profound...GP contact lenses in nystagmus
1 April 2018
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
contact lens, hyperopia, nystagmus, rigid gas permeable, strabismus
The purpose of this study was to quantify and evaluate the effect of rigid gas permeable contact lenses (CLs) on visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and motor parameters of involuntary eye movements in hyperopic patients with infantile nystagmus syndrome (INS). This...
Using bupivacaine to the medical rectus in addition to lateral rectus recession for convergence insufficiency type intermittent exotropia
1 December 2023
| Ivan Yip
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
This is a retrospective study of 60 paediatric optic pathway glioma (OPG) patients (NF1 or sporadic) presenting to Great Ormond Street between 2003-2017. Median follow-up was 82 months. Analysis was divided into best and worst eye vision representing level quality...
The clinical spectrum of albinism
1 December 2015
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The authors sought to examine clinical correlates that may be related to foveal development in albinism with an aim to qualitatively describe the phenotype spectrum of albinism. Binocular best corrected visual acuity ranged from 20/20 to 20/80. Best corrected visual...