You searched for "outcome"

1931 results found

Warfarin Induced Suprachoroidal Haemorrhage Presenting as Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma

Spontaneous suprachoroidal haemorrhage is a rare but recognised entity. Anticoagulant therapy is a well known risk factor. We describe a case of warfarin induced suprachoroidal haemorrhage presenting as acute angle closure glaucoma in a patient with raised International Normalised Ratio...

Unilateral Single Wall Decompression of Thyroid Proptosis Following an Incidental Traumatic Injury

Case report A 69-year-old female with a long history of Grave’s ophthalmopathy was under routine follow-up when it was noted during a clinic visit that the amount of proptosis and lid retraction in her right eye had remarkably reduced. A...

Eye lid lesion

A 46-year-old female farmer was referred by her local GP to the eye department with a history of gradually increasing upper eyelid lesion over 10 weeks, despite the patient being treated with topical and oral antibiotics. The patient was a...

Third nerve palsy following cataract surgery with sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia

Figure 1: Photograph showing partial ptosis of the right eye two months after surgery (photo by R McLeod). An 83-year-old lady had routine right eye cataract surgery under uncomplicated sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia. She presented two weeks later, explaining that following the...

Anaesthetic drops abuse

A 67-year-old retired female nurse presented with persistent, bilateral, non-healing (>6 weeks) corneal ulcers and stromal ring infiltrates (Figures 1 and 2). The epithelial defects were the result of chemical burns caused by her contact lenses which had been stored...

The results of the last survey Jun 2020

Firstly, my sincere thanks to those of you who responded to last edition’s survey. We had a record response. Laser was never my most exciting clinical treatment, but in this environment how I wish for even that degree of patient...

The orthoptic report – what does it all mean?

An orthoptist report may well look like a piece of Japanese Shodo, however, it does in fact contain some extremely useful information. This piece will briefly explain some of the common brush strokes seen on a report. There is some...

A trainee’s guide on how to prepare for the digital age of ophthalmology

As the pandemic rolls on, the past year has left many ophthalmic departments in disarray with ever-lengthening patient waiting-lists and increasing challenges in service delivery. Areas such as virtual clinics, telephone / video consultations have had to mature rapidly to...

Sight Scotland Veterans launch new bowling team

Sight Scotland Veterans has launched a new lawn bowling team which will now compete in the Vision Impairment Bowling Scotland League (VIBS) with matches taking place all over Scotland.

The ophthalmologist’s elbow: a potentially painful point of contact

Three months ago I leant, in the customary manner, on the box of my indirect lens at the slit lamp to examine a patient’s fundus. An acute and severe pain in the tip of my elbow immediately interrupted me. I...

Applanation tonometry in the pandemic era: Are facial masks an obstacle to a correct intraocular pressure measurement?

Current recommendations in the UK advise on wearing any facial covering to prevent the spread of the coronavirus [1]. Whilst this is vital for patient and hospital staff safety, it has led to several changes in the approach to a...

Reflections on deployment to ICU

Being unexpectedly uprooted from ophthalmology to ICU during the coronavirus pandemic was certainly a challenge, not just clinically, but emotionally and personally. However, it is only through adversary that we learn to appreciate what we have, and there are definitely...