You searched for "Commonwealth"
How to examine the visual system Part 1: visual acuity, visual fields and eye movements
1 June 2014
| Emma Linton, Apostolos Fotakakis
EYE - Vitreo-Retinal
Asking candidates to perform an examination of the visual system, either as part of a full cranial nerve exam or as an individual entity, is a common station in practical examinations during medical school. It is important to practise for...
The management of watery eye in an infant with facial dysmorphism
A six-month-old child with facial dysmorphism is brought to the eye clinic with history of watery right eye since birth. How will you manage this child? Causes for watery eye in an infant 1. Overproduction of tears a. Infections b....Don’t ignore the black lesion! It might be mucormycosis
1 June 2017
| Tina Parmar
EYE - Cornea
Keeping mucormycosis infection in the foreground of your differential diagnosis, especially in those more vulnerable patients, will help save their lives if recognised and managed appropriately. Mucormycosis is a fulminant infection caused by the fungi of the family Mucoraceae. It...
The approach to trabeculectomy postoperative complications
1 August 2016
| Kaivon Pakzad-Vaezi
EYE - Glaucoma
Performing a trabeculectomy is like giving birth to a baby. It may be traumatic and there is scope for devastating error but once the operation is completed only then does the real work begin. The bleb must be nurtured into...
Are social media promoting ocular protection in the community?
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many countries worldwide introduced lockdown measures to control infection, causing people to spend more time at home. This resulted in reports of increasing incidences of do-it-yourself (DIY)-related trauma. When the Covid-19 pandemic started in December 2019,...Pituitary tumours: why are they so often missed?
1 April 2017
| James F (Barry) Cullen
EYE - Neuro-ophthalmology
Part 1: Introduction, historical background and Edinburgh connections (see also Part 2 and Part 3) Is there any ophthalmologist who has not missed a pituitary tumour? Hopefully this article will help those currently in practice to avoid such an embarrassment,...
Africa makes strides in tackling blinding eye diseases: highlights of annual conference
1 December 2022
| Shaffi Mdala, Chinsisi Namate Nyirenda, Thokozani Zungu, Moira Gandiwa, Muchai Gachago, Nick Astbury, Marcia Zondervan, Covadonga Bascaran
EYE - General
Introduction The 9th Annual Scientific Conference of the College of Ophthalmology of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (COECSA) was held at the Bingu International Convention Centre in Lilongwe, Malawi in September 2022. The meeting was hosted by the Ophthalmological Society...
Unilateral central scotoma following dengue fever
12 October 2023
| Prabakaran Selvaraj, Shery Thomas, Isabel Ash, Arun Lakshmanan
EYE - Neuro-ophthalmology
Case report A 16-year-old Caucasian male was referred to the eye casualty at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust by the infectious diseases unit in September 2013. He gave a history of photophobia, pain on eye movements and central blurred vision...
Diabetes macular oedema in pregnancy self-resolving postpartum
1 October 2021
| Rajesh Deshmukh, Antony Raharja, Li Teng Kok
EYE - Vitreo-Retinal, EYE - Imaging, EYE - General
*Equally contributing co-first authors. Diabetic macular oedema (DMO) is a common clinical presentation to ophthalmology clinics. Ample evidence exists for management of DMO in non-pregnant patients. However, there is a paucity of evidence on the optimal management of DMO in...
The most frequent complaints and claims in ophthalmology – a Medical Protection Society (MPS) analysis
4 December 2018
| John Jolly, Pallavi Bradshaw
EYE - Cataract, EYE - Refractive, EYE - Glaucoma, EYE - General
The authors look at the reasons behind medico-legal cases reported to MPS and share key learning points. Complications following ophthalmology surgery are rare, however, medico-legal cases are not uncommon due to the significant impact they can have on patients’ lifestyles....