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Ophthalmology Scholarship Applications Open – Deadline 1 June 2021

The University of Edinburgh has opened applications for The David and Molly Pyott Foundation Scholarships in Ophthalmology which will support eligible ophthalmology trainees / registrars /residents undertake the university’s online, two-year, part-time ChM (Master of Surgery) in Clinical Ophthalmology from September 2021.

The Complainers

There she was. Sitting in the waiting room with her arms crossed, tut-tutting to herself and shaking her head mournfully every few minutes. We gazed at her from a safe distance while one of the nurses confirmed what we already...

Dec/Jan 2017 Quiz

History An 18-month-old boy presented with a slow growing left anterior orbital lump medially. Examination revealed a palpable mass beneath the skin at the inferonasal aspect without any visual impairment. A CT scan (Figure 1) followed by an excisional biopsy...

Isolated trochlear (fourth cranial) nerve palsy in an Asian population

The authors report on 35 consecutive new cases of isolated fourth cranial nerve palsy seen over a period of six months in one neuro-ophthalmology clinic in Southeast Asia, with emphasis on their aetiology and management. We report on 35 patients...

New helpline to offer support to thousands of Scots with sight loss

The new telephone service from Sight Scotland, Scotland’s largest sight loss charity, offers someone for people with sight loss and their families to turn to for information, advice and support.

Severe conjunctival cicatrisation secondary to chronic glaucoma therapy

The timing of glaucoma filteration surgery during the course of chronic progressive glaucoma remains a contentious issue amongst glaucoma specialists. The vast majority support the use of maximal medical treatment initially to achieve the target pressure. Surgical procedures are only...

Do steroids prevent progression to proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR)?

There is continuing debate on the merits of pan-retinal photocoagulation (PRP) for severe pre-proliferative and proliferative DR versus the newer therapies that inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). This has been hotly debated [1] following the publication of findings from...

Biomarkers reveal how patients with glaucoma may respond to treatment

Markers in the blood that predict whether glaucoma patients are at higher risk of continued loss of vision following conventional treatment have been identified by researchers at UCL and Moorfields Eye Hospital.

Grading of ocular inflammation in uveitis: an overview

Anterior uveitis is the commonest form of uveitis, which can lead to severe morbidity if not treated appropriately [1]. Data from general ophthalmology practices suggest around 90% of uveitis encountered by comprehensive ophthalmologists is anterior uveitis [2]. Intermediate (vitreous), posterior...

Valuable resources for FRCOphth Part 1 exam preparation

The FRCOphth Part 1 exam is a difficult exam with an average pass rate of 46% in the last year. It is a requirement before entry into the third year of ophthalmology specialty training (OST). Passing this exam during foundation...

Upper eyelid ulceration as a presenting sign of frontal sinus mucocele

Introduction A sinus mucocele is an epithelium-lined sac filled with mucus and desquamated epithelium. It forms secondary to inflammatory processes that occur in a sinus with an obstructed ostium. Predisposing conditions include previous trauma, surgery, tumours, anatomical abnormalities, and chronic...

Identifying drugs associated with intraoperative floppy iris syndrome

Before David Chang MD from the University of California found out about intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS), ophthalmologists were mystified each time they came across cataract surgeries that were characterised by sudden intraoperative iris prolapse and pupil constriction. The biggest...