You searched for "infections"

1931 results found

Lord Trees and Baroness Sugg call to end Neglected Tropical Diseases with charity coalition at Westminster event

UK Coalition against Neglected Tropical Diseases works alongside co-host parliamentary reception in the House of Lords.

£1.7 million funding for research into children’s eye health

Moorfields Eye Charity and the Medical Research Foundation are working in partnership to support research into childhood and adolescent eye health, putting £1.7 million of funding into this massively underfunded area of research.

New Bolton office space for UK’s largest provider of NHS cataract surgery, as company celebrates 15th year

Bolton North East MP Mark Logan visited SpaMedica’s new building, The View, which accommodates 180 company employees, including 40 recruited in the last year.

90% of NHS trusts now have electronic patient records

The NHS has met the government’s target for 90% of trusts adopting electronic patient records (EPR) in hospitals ahead of schedule.

Moorfields Eye Charity’s six-year growth and impact

Moorfields Eye Charity launches its impact report showing that it has grown to become the leading charity in the UK funding research into eye health and innovation and improvement in patient care.

Wrong intraocular lens events – what lessons have we learned?

Data from wrong IOL patient safety incidents (PSIs) submitted to the National Reporting and Learning System (2010–2014) were reviewed and scrutinised by thematic analysis and compared with the historical data collected for groups in 2003-2010, prior to the mandatory checklist...

NEOS (North Of England Ophthalmological Society) Spring Meeting 2024

by Matthew Hartley, Trainee, Northern Deanery, UK. In NEOS’ 110th year, the spring meeting was held in Doncaster and centred around ocular oncology and vitreoretinal surgery. The meeting hosts, Umi Harley and Steve Winder from Royal Hallamshire Hospital, arranged a...

East of Ealing

“And Cain said unto the Lord, my punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid. And Cain went out...

Toxic nutritional optic neuropathy (TON)

Toxic optic neuropathy are a group of conditions manifested by reduction of visual functions secondary to damage to the anterior visual pathways from exposure to a toxin. The implicated toxin could be work-based, food or drink related, or iatrogenic medication....

Ambitions for sustainable service recovery amidst an escalating post-COVID backlog

Rod McNeil reviews plans, activity and solutions to better address the post-COVID backlog and bolster sustainable service recovery. Ophthalmology was the busiest outpatient specialty during the three years to March 2020 across the English NHS and again recorded the highest...

An introduction to research governance

Research is the process of acquiring new generalisable knowledge and should be fully integrated into health care work. There is a growing drive to encourage and further develop evidence-based practice in ophthalmology so that staff and patients benefit from improved...

The flexibility of virtual clinics

Virtual clinics in ophthalmology are typically associated with glaucoma and medical retina, where they are now a well-established part of the landscape. The availability of an ophthalmic electronic patient record (EPR) makes the deployment and management of virtual clinics much...