You searched for "surgery"

2129 results found

Orbis and Heidelberg Engineering team up on free e-learning opportunities

Sight-saving charity Orbis and high-tech imaging and data solutions company Heidelberg Engineering are leveraging technology to provide free clinical education for eye care professionals around the world.

Touring eye expressions

Growing up as a small child in the late 80s, I would often look out of the train, bus, aeroplane, boat or car window and naturally form artistic visuals from real objects in my mind. In a year of profound...

An anterior segment lump: a diagnostic and treatment challenge

Case presentation A 50-year-old female presented to eye casualty with a lump on the left medial lower eyelid with associated redness and occasional bleeding. The lump was present for a few months with recent enlargement (Figure 1). Her past medical...

Where are they now?

The Eye News and University of Edinburgh teams last met up with Zomba-based Dr Chinsisi Namate Nyirenda, in Glasgow, May 2022, when she was a member of The Ophthalmological Society of Malawi’s delegation to the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual...

PREVIEW: National Student Ophthalmology Conference (NSOC) 2024

The annual National Student Ophthalmology Conference (NSOC) will return for its third year running On Sunday, March 24th, in a virtual setting.

UKISOP and the allied health professions

In ophthalmology practice today there is a vast number of training and educational opportunities for staff from all professional backgrounds. The key is to use your study leave and funding wisely! In the first of this series of articles, signalling...

RCOphth 2022 Glasgow - eshot daily summary

  Take a look at our summary of the RCO daily eshots Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Final Day Round up    

Development of retinoblastoma services in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe recognised the need for a paediatric ophthalmology service almost 20 years ago. The economic uncertainty in the country made it difficult to secure financial support, so initial funding came through local donors. Equipment – including vision charts, ophthalmoscopes and...

Virtual reality for the ophthalmic trainee

If you believe the tech blogs 2015 is the year of virtual reality. Industry experts believe this will be due to the potential commercial release of the poster boy of this new revolution, the Oculus Rift. This is a headset...

Transferring imaging from primary to secondary care (part 2)

Transferring clinical imaging from high street optometrists to secondary care is an increasingly requested option, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. A wide variety of solutions exist to allow this, each with their own merits and shortcomings. In...

What's trending Feb/Mar 2022

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending over the last few weeks. British man fitted with 3D printed eye Steve Verze of London has required a prosthetic eye for over 20 years. On 25 November 2021,...

Supranuclear ocular motility disorders

Figure 1: Bilateral INO Introduction Complex ocular motility disorders are a diagnostic challenge. These patients come with very complex ocular motility presentations and require a careful and detailed assessment in order to find the correct diagnosis and arrange appropriate investigations....