You searched for "consent"

2354 results found

Effecting change

I took a picture of my new identity badge and sent it to everyone I knew. In fact, I put it up on Facebook as well. The two key words were ‘Consultant Ophthalmologist’ and let us ignore for now that...

Will it change management?

Like most doctors I have read and am a fan of Samuel Shem’s House of God, with my favourite Rule being Rule 10: “If you don’t take a temperature you can’t find a fever.” If you don’t intend to treat...

Rite of passage

The Lakota Sioux people of Dakota have one of the best preserved Native American cultures in the United States and when people think of the ‘American Indian’ it is to the culture of the Lakota Sioux that people mostly turn....

The focus group

I love conferences. Euretina I love above all others, and when it came to London in 2014 I was determined to attend. A few weeks before the conference was scheduled to begin a well-known pharmaceutical company sent me an email...

How to win presentation medals

Having been to many tens of thousands of ophthalmology registrar presentation competitions and seen the types of presentations that consistently impress the judges, as well as the ones that fail to make the grade, I feel it is my humble...

In conversation with Prof Carrie MacEwen, Chair of The Way Forward and President, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Prof Carrie MacEwen. Scope for optimising capacity within the Hospital Eye Service (HES)? The demand for ophthalmic care continues to grow with no increase in capacity. In order to be able to continue to deliver adequate care ophthalmologists have devised...

In conversation with Iqbal K Ahmed - From across the Atlantic

Ike (Iqbal) K Ahmed is a pioneering ophthalmologist from Canada, currently serving as Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, and Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Utah. He is also the Research Fellowship Director, Department of Ophthalmology, University...

Neonatal hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy with imaging abnormalities in the occipital lobe – how to counsel the parents

Case A baby boy, with a background of intrauterine growth restriction, was born at 37 weeks and three days gestation via forceps delivery. The baby was born in poor condition, with low heart rate, poor respiratory rate, poor colour and...

Embedding EMR for a complete transformation in user experience

Informatics and IT projects in the NHS have a history of being over budget, delivered late and not fulfilling the design brief. “But it doesn’t have to be that way,” believes Chris Canning, Consultant Ophthalmologist and Chief Clinical Information Officer...

Identifying drugs associated with intraoperative floppy iris syndrome

Before David Chang MD from the University of California found out about intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS), ophthalmologists were mystified each time they came across cataract surgeries that were characterised by sudden intraoperative iris prolapse and pupil constriction. The biggest...

Is optician led service an answer to ever increasing demand on eye emergency clinics?

The demand for eye casualty appointments has been steadily increasing in the UK, leading to pressures on the hospital emergency services. The incidence of presentations to eye casualty services has been estimated at 20-30 per 1000 per year [1]. Evidence...

The results of the last survey Jun23

*Please be aware that this data does not form part of a peer reviewed research study. The information therein should not be relied upon for clinical purposes but instead used as a guide for clinical practice and reflection. I continue...