You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Smartphone use in screening

This prospective study aimed to determine the positive predictive value (PPV) of patients referred to a pediatric ophthalmic practice in Alaska. Young children were photoscreened with Gobiquity app on a Nokia model 1020 smartphone; 217 children were referred. Time from...

LASIK for myopia progression

The authors hypothesise that corneal reshaping with refractive surgery could have an effect on myopic progression similar to that of orthokeratology because it results in changes to the central cornea and not to the peripheral cornea. This was a retrospective...

Inferior oblique adherence syndrome

A case is reported of a 14-year-old with inferior oblique muscle adherence and fat adherence following unilateral inferior oblique (IO) anteriorisation. Following surgery, the patient developed consecutive esotropia, ptosis and marked limitation of laevoelevation. Forced duction test was positive for...

Healthcare insurance influence on surgical outcome

This study sought to determine whether outcomes for simple horizontal strabismus surgery differed for children with supported medical assistance (MA) compared to children with private healthcare insurance, with an assumption of lower socioeconomic status (SES) in the MA group. This...

Quality of life measurement in amblyopia

This study aimed to explore the psychometric properties of the CATQoL instrument and to determine the ability of it to measure the impact of amblyopia treatment from a child’s perspective. A total of 342 children were recruited with analysis presented...

Risk factors for surgical failure in nasolacrimal duct obstruction

This study considered possible associated patient anatomic or physiologic factors for initial surgical failure of nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO). This was a retrospective study analysing risk factors for patients with successful initial surgery in comparison to patients requiring multiple surgeries....

Reducing postop nausea and vomiting

This study adopted an aggressive prophylactic anti postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) regime with retrospective review of patient outcomes. Of 794 adult strabismus procedures, 31 (4%) had PONV. Median post-anaesthetic recovery was 45 minutes. Prolonged recovery was associated with long-term...

Cluster of cyclic esotropia cases

This study reports a series of five patients with cyclic esotropia presenting within a period of 19 months in 2015-16 in one institute. Brain MRI scans were abnormal in two patients (twins) with abnormal white matter signal in the frontal...

Infections related to strabismus surgery

This review considers the range of infections occurring with strabismus surgery. Extraocular infections include conjunctiva, sub Tenon’s abscess and orbital cellulitis. Intraocular infection includes endophthalmitis. Prevention of infection and risk factors includes the issue of scleral penetration and use of...

Mimicked tumour seeding due to asteroid hyalosis

A case report is presented of a patient with treated retinoblastoma (RB) who later developed asteroid hyalosis which mimicked tumour seeding. The case was a 37-year-old male with presenting symptoms of vitreous floaters. A unilateral RB was diagnosed at the...

BT for cyclic esotropia

This paper describes two patients with childhood cyclic esotropia treated with botulinum toxin (BT) and followed for eight and nine years. Onset was at two and four years of age. BT was injected under electromyography (EMG) guidance bilaterally to medial...

Surgical management of high myopia strabismus

This is a small case series of three patients with unilateral or bilateral high myopia with exotropia and hypotropia. Surgery involved nasal loop myopexy between the medial and superior recti muscles with or without lateral rectus recession and / or...