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1684 results found

Bovine pericardium scleral patch graft associated scleritis: Ahmed valve implant for pupillary block glaucoma

Processed bovine pericardium is a lyophilised collagen sheet used as a surgical armamentarium. It renders the material antigenically inert with minimal inflammation [1]. Sclera patch pericardium graft (Tutopatch) is a collagenous membrane derived from solvent preserved, irradiated bovine pericardium [2]...

Systemic sarcoidosis presenting with acute myopia and angle closure

Case report A 40-year-old Asian man presented to the Emergency Department with a one day history of sudden onset visual disturbance in his right eye. He complained of image distortion and noted that objects now appeared smaller. He also described...

A case of Miller Fisher Syndrome and bilateral asymmetric globe retraction

Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS) is a rare, acquired nerve disease that is considered to be a variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome. It was first recognised by James Collier in 1932 as a clinical triad of ataxia, areflexia and ophthalmoplegia. Later, it...

Take this waltz

My last weekend on-call was the busiest I can remember for a very long time. We were just completely swamped with patients. The weather was not too good that Saturday and it felt like every second inhabitant of our ocean...

On becoming a man

It was at the height of the gender debate, with Donald Trump banning transsexuals from serving in the US army and parts of the first world indulging in controversies on whether separate transgender toilets are needed, that a 40-year-old lady,...

The 2020 Milgram Experiment

Will ophthalmology recover from COVID-19? Learning Curve columnist Gwyn Samuel Williams shares his thoughts on the developing impact of the pandemic “It’s busy today,” the nurse in green chuckles. “There are six patients I think.” Six. This clinic is designed...

100 years since Sir William Duke-Elder graduated from the University of St Andrews

With sincere thanks to Andrew King, Ophthalmic Optician and owner of Andrew King Opticians near Glasgow, for his extensive research into Duke-Elder’s life.' Sir William Stewart Duke-Elder. Photo credit: Edward Irvine Halliday, Institute of Ophthalmology. In the world of ophthalmology,...

Life’s rich tapestry

Have you ever watched someone cross-stitch, or do needle-point? I recently had the joy of observing my teenage daughter create such an artwork. She separated all the threads into the various colours, and then started to follow the instructions carefully....

The results of the last survey Apr24

It has been a few years now since we started these surveys and I continue to be amazed by the variance in our practice. As a patient, I think I would expect there to be more consistency and evidence-based practice....

A case of ‘60-day glaucoma’

Neovascular glaucoma (NVG) has been called ‘90-’ or ‘100-day glaucoma’ in the past due to its typical development three months after the onset of central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO). In reality, NVG can occur anywhere between two weeks and two...

What's trending Dec/Jan 2023

A round-up of the eye related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #frightnight #halloween #protectyoureyes The Royal College of Optometrists advised the public against wearing novelty contact lenses this Halloween. In a...

What's trending Jun/Jul 2022

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending over the last few weeks. #Polishdoctor #UkraineConflict #familysight Polish doctor Professor Rejdak’s team saved a Ukrainian family’s eyesight after a bomb hit their home. Olena Selichzianowa and her 5-year-old...