You searched for "outcome"

1932 results found

Zeiss Forum

The tech column this issue reports on the features and experience of using the Zeiss Forum software. I have overseen the installation, troubleshooting, training and use of the software over the last two years. As both a consultant specialising in...

Imaging without a slit-lamp, more Google Glass news and strabismus humour

Pinterest Many of you will know about this site that organises collections of mostly graphical information. It’s used heavily for fashion, recipes and cupcakes. Well, it seems it has also become quite a useful resource for ophthalmology, optometry and related...

What's trending Oct/Nov 2022

A round-up of the eye related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #teammates #warringtonwolves #keratoconus Robbie Mulhern, a professional rugby league player for Warrington Wolves, had never heard of keratoconus prior to...

What's trending Aug/Sep 2022

A round-up of the eye related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #JustinBieber #RamsayHuntsyndrome #facialparalysis Justin Bieber revealed he has been afflicted by Ramsay Hunt syndrome, and thus has had to cancel...

What's trending Feb/Mar 2022

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending over the last few weeks. British man fitted with 3D printed eye Steve Verze of London has required a prosthetic eye for over 20 years. On 25 November 2021,...

What's trending Dec/Jan 2022

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #eyetrackingtechnology #assitivetechnology #gaming Modern eye trackers often rely on electronic specialist hardware that continuously scan the the pupil and reflections from...

What's trending Aug/Sep 2021

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #algae #optogenetics Scientists in Paris have used optogenetics to partially restore sight in a blind man’s eye who was diagnosed with...

What's trending Jun/Jul 2020

Here in the UK, we’ve been in lockdown since 23 March 2020, with much of the rest of the world entering degrees of lockdown since February-March 2020. COVID-19 has dominated the headlines and social media, so without further ado, I...

What's trending Aug/Sept 2019

#puppydogeyes Who can resist a pair of puppy dog eyes? It may be that no human can! A team of researchers discovered that dogs acquired a new forehead muscle, which is scanty or absent in wolves. This muscle is the...

What’s trending? Dec/Jan 2018

#scleratattoo Yes, you read that correctly. Scleral tattoos are a relatively new form of extreme body modification. Oddly enough, ‘sclera tattoo’ comes up with more hits on Twitter and YouTube than ‘scleral tattoo’. The procedure involves injecting a mixture of...

The results of the last survey Jun22

Thank you once more for your time in answering the latest survey. The first question relates to the number of staff required for a routine cataract list. There was a big variance in practice. Some of us are luckier than...

Supranuclear ocular motility disorders

Figure 1: Bilateral INO Introduction Complex ocular motility disorders are a diagnostic challenge. These patients come with very complex ocular motility presentations and require a careful and detailed assessment in order to find the correct diagnosis and arrange appropriate investigations....