You searched for "blink"

3934 results found

White dot syndromes

It is fair to say that trainees and consultants who are not medical retina specialists are a bit scared of the so called retinal ‘white dot syndromes’. It is easy to understand why this is the case, as almost every...

My Top Five: Debunking common myths in ophthalmology and vision care

In the field of eye health, numerous misconceptions persist. Let’s examine five prevalent myths and uncover the truth behind them. Myth 1: Wearing glasses weakens your eyesight Origin: This myth likely originated from the observation that people often need stronger...

Strengthening capacity for ophthalmic research within three East African VISION 2020 LINKS – The Research Mentorship Workshop

Building capacity for ophthalmic research in low- and middle-income countries is an important aim of the VISION 2020 LINKS Programme. The International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH) at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) has been working...

Fife councillors experience street obstacles wearing sight loss simulation-spectacles

A cross-party group of Dunfermline Councillors tried to navigate around obstacles and clutter on the streets of Dunfermline on the morning of Friday, November 24th wearing spectacles that mimic different sight loss conditions.

BESTi: a new index to detect subclinical keratoconus

In this multicentre, case-control study, the authors develop a new index, named Boosted Ectasia Susceptibility Tomography Index (BESTi), to detect early cases of keratoconus. This index was derived from multiple logistic regression analysis of 22 variables of tomography scans. The...

Saving sight and changing lives: working with Syrian refugees in Jordan

Two ophthalmologists from the Emory Eye Center share their three-year experience of treating refugees in the camps in Jordan. Jordan currently hosts an estimated 1.4 million Syrian people who have fled the war in their home country. Cataract & Cornea...

Sight loss charities slam Scottish government for making blind and partially sighted people play tactile paving roulette

Sight Scotland launches ‘Pave the Way’ campaign to have tactile paving installed in every train station in Scotland.

American Academy of Ophthalmology – Updated textbooks Basic and Clinical Science Course 2018-2019

The American Academy of Ophthalmology publish a series of books entitled Basic and Clinical Science Course every year. It’s a highly regarded series and has often been quoted to me as a good reference set of books. Indeed, I invested...

Situation analysis of diabetic retinopathy services in eleven countries

A five-year project funded by The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust is facilitating development of diabetic retinopathy services (DRS) to reduce unnecessary blindness in 10 Commonwealth countries through the establishment of a capacity-building network, the DR-NET part of the Commonwealth...

Presentation feedback tools

The topic of this issue stems from a desire to find the best free-to-use tool for collecting feedback after a presentation. It is a common requirement for clinicians to collect audience feedback after a teaching session. This feedback contributes toward...

What's trending Aug/Sep 2021

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #algae #optogenetics Scientists in Paris have used optogenetics to partially restore sight in a blind man’s eye who was diagnosed with...

British Council for Prevention of Blindness has a new Chairman

BCPB’s new Chairman Mr Michael Burdon FRCOphth FRCP is a consultant ophthalmologist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham with a specialist interest in neuro-ophthalmology.