You searched for "diplopia"

189 results found

Interspecialty referrals

Referrals between the many and varied branches of ophthalmology sometimes underline how sub-specialised we have all become nowadays. The old era when everyone was an ophthalmic jack of all trades is gone, for better or for worse, and instead of...

Acute dellen formation post trauma

Corneal dellen are saucer-like thinnings, usually of the peripheral cornea [1]. Dellen formation is thought to be related to localised tear film instability [2], specifically the absence of the mucin component of the tear film. Without the mucin layer, dry...

Lockdown and eye health – a case of accommodative spasm

A 25-year-old male presented to the eye casualty with a one-day history of sudden onset worsening vision. More specifically, he noted his vision was more blurred than usual and this was more exaggerated for near-work than for distance-work. He was...

Take this waltz

My last weekend on-call was the busiest I can remember for a very long time. We were just completely swamped with patients. The weather was not too good that Saturday and it felt like every second inhabitant of our ocean...

On becoming a man

It was at the height of the gender debate, with Donald Trump banning transsexuals from serving in the US army and parts of the first world indulging in controversies on whether separate transgender toilets are needed, that a 40-year-old lady,...

Does beauty truly lie in the eye of the beholder?

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are based on facts and which are ‘fake news’. Headline: Does beauty truly lie in the eye of the beholder? Scleral whitening, iris colour-changing drops and...

The challenge of chorioretinal folds in virtual eye clinics

Chorioretinal or choroidal folds are parallel striations involving the retina, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), Bruch’s membrane, and inner choroid [1]. They can arise from compressive stress on these layers, and their presence often serves as a diagnostic marker for underlying...

Orbital cellulitis - an overview of the diagnosis and management

Periorbital (preseptal) and orbital cellulitis are infections of the subcutaneous tissues of the eye. They are differentiated by the location of the infection. Periorbital cellulitis refers to infection of the eyelid and subcutaneous tissues anterior to the orbital septum, whereas...

Meeting the needs of older patients in optics

Fiona Anderson discusses the important role of community-based eyecare practitioners in meeting the visual needs of ageing patients. It has been well documented that today we live for longer. Statistics show in 1997, around one in every six people (15.9%)...

Ophthalmology history and examination – a guide for medical students

*First author Students have very little exposure to ophthalmology during their years at medical school. Teaching consists of a handful of lectures followed by a short placement in which students are expected to practise histories and examinations on patients with...

The results of the last survey Dec23

*Please be aware that this data does not form part of a peer reviewed research study. The information therein should not be relied upon for clinical purposes but instead used as a guide for clinical practice and reflection. Hopefully by...

American Academy of Ophthalmology – Updated textbooks Basic and Clinical Science Course 2018-2019

The American Academy of Ophthalmology publish a series of books entitled Basic and Clinical Science Course every year. It’s a highly regarded series and has often been quoted to me as a good reference set of books. Indeed, I invested...