You searched for "surgery"

2131 results found

The interpretation and use of ultrasound biomicroscopy (part 1)

Ultrasound Biomicroscopy (UBM) has become increasingly important for the diagnosis of a variety of anterior segment pathologies. Most ophthalmologists are familiar with conventional B-scan ultrasonography techniques, which operate at lower sound frequencies (7.5 to 20MHz). UBM is an ultrasound technique...

VISION 2020 LINKS: Retinoblastoma 
in Africa

The VISION 2020 LINKS Programme is part of the ‘VISION 2020: The Right to Sight’ global initiative to eliminate avoidable blindness [1]. The LINKS Programme works with overseas eye departments to help identify priorities and match their priority needs with...

A to Z of X-linked retinopathies

This review article provides an excellent summary of X-linked retinopathies and the corresponding genotype and clinical features. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of each condition in terms of its pathogenesis, clinical features, imaging findings, electrophysiology changes and any current...

Eyebrow reconstruction

This article is a systematic review of surgical techniques for reconstruction of the eyebrow. The authors discuss the anatomy of the eyebrow, structure of its hair follicles and principles underlying the reconstruction. Options for direct closure, types of advancement and...

UKISCRS donates £5,000 to support ophthalmology in Ukraine

UKISCRS Council unanimously decides on donation, supporting ophthalmic aid in Ukraine.

Two-year interim safety results of the 0.2ug/day FAC intravitreal implant for the treatment of DMO

This is a 24-month interim prospective observational study of 95 previously steroid challenged patients (115 eyes) receiving intravitreal 0.2ug/day fluocinolone acetaid (FAC) implant for diabetic macular oedema (DMO) treatment. The mean IOP for pre- and post- FAC implants were stable,...

Inferior oblique muscle features

The authors aimed to study and morphometrically define the surgical anatomy of the inferior oblique muscle and its variations, and to outline surgical coordinates to aid location of the inferior oblique origin and nerve supply to the inferior oblique muscle....

DALK as an early therapeutic option for Acanthamoeba keratitis

Eleven patients with Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) were treated by early therapeutic deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK). All surgeries were performed in patients who had no response to standard medical therapy of chlorhexidine gluconate, propamidine isethionate and neomycin sulphate, within 10-15...

My top five: Emerging alternatives to manage and treat nAMD

Wet (exudative or neovascular) age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is characterised by choroidal neovascularisation, in which new blood vessels from the choroid invade through Bruch’s membrane. These blood vessels proliferate beneath or through the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), causing patients to...

My Top Five: Emerging alternatives to manage and treat nAMD

Wet (exudative or neovascular) age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is characterised by choroidal neovascularisation, in which new blood vessels from the choroid invade through Bruch’s membrane. These blood vessels proliferate beneath or through the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), causing patients to...

Eye News Bring Artistic Eye to RCOphth

Eye News is delighted to be taking some of Steve Thomson's artwork to the RCOphth in May, raising money for the charity Fight for Sight.

Cavernous sinus syndrome

Anatomically the cavernous sinus is a plexus of multiple veins that are connected and within this plexus there are several important vascular and neurological structures. These include cranial nerves III, IV, V1 (and sometimes V2), VI as well as the...