You searched for "orbital"

1714 results found

What's trending Feb/Mar 2021

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. Happy New Year! Goodbye 2020, a year no one could have imagined, with our lives and headlines dominated by COVID-19 as...

What's trending Apr/May 2020

#punch #shark Nick Minogue, a 60-year-old New Zealander, was surfing off Pauanui Beach when he was attacked by a Great White Shark. Luckily, he recalled advice that sharks are vulnerable if hit in the eyes or the nose. His first...

What's trending Jun/Jul 2019

#beeping #EasterEgg Beeping Easter eggs allow blind and visually impaired children to participate in the quintessential Easter activity for children – the Easter Egg Hunt. It kind of takes the fun out of the hunt if you need to be...

How to diagnose and treat Acanthamoeba keratitis

Corneal ulceration caused by Acanthamoeba is on the rise, and recent publications indicate an outbreak in the UK over the last few years [1]. Since Acanthamoeba keratitis often presents with atypical features, diagnosis from slit-lamp examination alone can often be...

Community Eyecare Services in Northern Ireland: putting the patient at the centre, improving outcomes and maximising system resource

The UK has four healthcare systems; Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales each has autonomous legislature that develops health policy, while the UK government directly runs England’s NHS. Like the other nations, Northern Ireland is continually challenged to meet the needs...

Game show freak

As a child of the 70s and 80s, there were limited television viewing opportunities. For the duration of the 70s there were only three channels, only moving to four with the launch of Channel 4 in 1982. Not only that,...

An Inconvenient Truth: Pete’s hidden curriculum Part 4

“What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.” The above is a quote attributed to Mark Twain from the 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, which follows Al...

A missed opportunity

Back in 2000 Sir Liam Donaldson wrote a piece of work commissioned by the then Secretary of State for Health entitled “An Organisation with a Memory”. We are now 18 years on and still some of the recommendations from them...

My top five: Elective grants for an ophthalmology elective for a medical student surviving in a cost-of-living crisis

In a time where cost of living is significantly increasing, and the student NHS bursary is remaining stagnant, funding a medical elective is becoming increasingly more challenging for medical students. Surveys have shown that medical students typically get two to...

The ‘art’ of refraction – designing a refraction course

Learning how to refract requires theoretical knowledge, practice and determination. Refraction is a notoriously challenging skill to acquire and the competing demands on junior ophthalmologists can often be restrictive of the development of this core skill. To consolidate theory learnt...

Understanding medical negligence in the UK: a brief overview

Medical negligence, or clinical negligence, refers to a breach of duty of care by healthcare professionals that results in harm or injury to a patient. In the UK, medical negligence is a serious issue that can have profound consequences for...

Are social media promoting ocular protection in the community?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many countries worldwide introduced lockdown measures to control infection, causing people to spend more time at home. This resulted in reports of increasing incidences of do-it-yourself (DIY)-related trauma. When the Covid-19 pandemic started in December 2019,...