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2732 results found

Froben for anterior scleritis

Flurbiprofen (Froben) is one of the nonselective cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors blocking both COX-1 and COX-2 pathways. Agrawal et al. undertook a retrospective cohort study to determine the effectiveness of oral Froben in managing noninfectious, non-necrotising anterior scleritis. One hundred and...

PRPF31-related retinitis pigmentosa and asymptomatic carriers

The authors present a study of 21 patients with variants in the PRPF31 gene classified as pathogenic or likely pathogenic. These variants are caused by autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (RP-11). Between January 2020 and November 2021 patients underwent tests of...

Management of congenital NLD obstruction

The authors evaluated changes in management of congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO) by surveying 1495 Association for Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus (AAPOS) members. The survey consisted of 21 multiple choice questions with anonymised return. Responses were received from 127 members...

Are retinal vein occlusions seasonal? And if so why might that be?

Some studies have reported a strong seasonal pattern to central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) occurrence with a peak in January, but other studies have failed to replicate this finding. The authors sought to determine data for Stockholm’s seasonal variation in...

What are the features of facial nerve palsies in children?

The aim if this study was to report ophthalmic related findings and complications in children with facial palsy. Medical records from a tertiary centre were retrospectively searched for children 16 years and under with a diagnosis of facial palsy, over...

Do topical steroids improve visual outcome in the treatment of bacterial keratitis?

The use of topical corticosteroids as an adjunctive treatment to antibiotics in the management of bacterial keratitis remains a controversial issue. The results of the Steroids for Corneal Ulcers Trial (SCUT) – a randomised, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial that recruited patients...

The choroid in pregnancy

During pregnancy there can be different types of ocular changes including a decrease in corneal sensitivity, increase in central corneal thickness and curvature, decrease in intraocular pressure, central serous chorioretinopathy and ocular blood flow. Advances in ophthalmic imaging devices has...

BSRS (British Society of Refractive Surgery) 30th Anniversary Annual Scientific Congress 2023

by Hasan Naveed, YO Representative on BSRS Council. The summer weekend of 8-9 July 2023 saw the British Society for Refractive Surgery (BSRS) host national and international experts and colleagues passionate about all elements of refractive surgery. The sessions, delivered...

NEOS (North Of England Ophthalmological Society) Spring Meeting 2024

by Matthew Hartley, Trainee, Northern Deanery, UK. In NEOS’ 110th year, the spring meeting was held in Doncaster and centred around ocular oncology and vitreoretinal surgery. The meeting hosts, Umi Harley and Steve Winder from Royal Hallamshire Hospital, arranged a...

Could idebenone by the solution for treating dominant optic atrophy?

Dominant optic atrophy (DOA) is a disease of the retinal ganglion cells, with no current treatment options. In most cases, DOA is caused by a mutation in the OPA1 gene. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect...

Surgery for lost inferior rectus muscle

This prospective study evaluated the impact of simultaneous ipsilateral superior rectus (SR) recession and superior rectus (IO) anterior transposition on the primary position alignment in six patients with traumatic loss of the inferior rectus (IR) muscle. Five males and one...

Nishida procedure for VIcnp

This study reports results in treatment of complete sixth nerve palsy (VIcnp) by modified Hummelscheim (Nishida’s) procedure; vertical muscle halves after splitting were secured with anchoring sutures to the sclera with anchoring of only the temporal muscle margins to the...