You searched for "surgery"

2131 results found

Oculomics and Big Data changes the game for Medical Ophthalmologists

Oculomics and Big Data changes the game for Medical Ophthalmologists, and here's why.

How a calcified Soemmerring ring was removed from the vitreous cavity when the cutter and forceps failed to do so

Know’st thou the land where lemon-trees do bloom,And oranges like gold in leafy gloom; A gentle wind from deep blue heaven blows, The myrtle thick, and high the laurel grows? ‘Tis there! ‘tis there, O my beloved one, I with...

On the wrong track

A 65-year-old very high myope lady presented with sudden blurred vision down to count fingers to her right eye after a short and sharp pain. She also described seeing a black swirly line and as all these symptoms were exactly...

My Top Five: Ophthalmology TikTok accounts, educating and entertaining both the public and trainees

In the modern world, our electronic devices have now become an extension of ourselves, with our reliance and use of them of comparable importance to an arm or a leg. The importance of electronic devices can also be seen in...

Transcanalicular diode laser-assisted DCR: success rates and factors for success

This study aimed to evaluate the success rates of transcanalicular diode laser-assisted dacryocystorhinostomy (TCL-DCR) during three years of follow-up and to find clinical factors that influence surgical outcomes. Major outcomes were defined as a patent neo-ostium tested by irrigation (anatomical...

Optimising treatment with transscleral cyclophotocoagulation

This study compares the outcomes of transscleral diode laser cyclo-photo-coagulation with the treatment parameters used. This was a retrospective chart review of a random sample of diode laser procedures using the G-probe over 10 years for uncontrolled glaucoma. The main...

Ocular surface in donor eyes after CLAU

This retrospective study examined ocular surface stability of donor eyes following conjunctival limbal autografts (CLAU). Forty-five eyes underwent CLAU with chemical burns being the most common indication. All but two eyes had just over 4 o’clock hours of CLAU segment...

Leicester Community Eye Hospital recognised as ‘Good’

Care and Quality Commission awards CHEC coveted quality rating.

An eyeful of independence

Scots will decide this September whether or not Scotland should be an independent sovereign state. “As all key areas of our business are already fully devolved, it’s very much business as usual for us,” noted a spokesperson for Healthcare Improvement...

How to write and publish a case report – tips and common pitfalls

Ophthalmology is an extremely popular specialty, with the competition ratio at ST1 level entry being 10:1 in 2023 [1]. Consequently, applicants are required to achieve higher portfolio scores to remain competitive. For those considering a career in ophthalmology, two points...

From novice to overnight on-calls: developing an ophthalmology bootcamp to ease the learning curve for new trainees

Introduction My first ophthalmology on-call was nine years ago and it was a fairly traumatic experience. I was an FY2 in a Welsh district general hospital and I was on my own – at least, that’s how it felt to...

RCOphth Annual Congress - Day 3

Follow live updates and key highlights from Day 3 of the RCOphth Annual Congress.