You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Emergency, Acute and Rapid Access Ophthalmology

There are two parts to the book; the first section makes up the bulk to the textbook and covers clinical aspects of emergency ophthalmology, and the second discusses the management and organisation of an emergency and rapid access service. Part...

Thank you, Baljean Dhillon. Welcome onboard, Peter Cackett.

As our Co-editor of over 11 years, Baljean Dhillon, passes the torch, Peter Cackett steps up to take on the role.

Aug/Sep 2018 Quiz

History A seven-year-old girl presented with a presumed papillomatous lesion on right inferior fornix (Figure 1). Her parents said the lesion was increasing in size for two weeks. CT scans (Figure 2) revealed a lesion occupying the right medial canthus....

Jun/Jul 2014 Quiz

History An 80-year-old male had a cataract removed with intraocular lens (IOL) seven years previous. He presented with cloudy vision and it was noted that the IOL was intrinsically opaque. The IOL was replaced and sent for ophthalmic pathology assessment....

Ground-breaking achievements in blindness prevention

One small UK based charity is enabling pioneering research to prevent blindness in low and lower middle income countries. The British Council for Prevention of Blindness (BCPB), established in 1976, funds innovative research and training which seeds the development of...

How to win presentation medals

Having been to many tens of thousands of ophthalmology registrar presentation competitions and seen the types of presentations that consistently impress the judges, as well as the ones that fail to make the grade, I feel it is my humble...

The writer: publishing my first book as a trainee

Medicine is very hierarchical. Indeed, Hippocrates himself laid the foundation of the apprenticeship that is medical training and while it is the noble duty of the boss to pass on information and ask for tasks to be undertaken as a...

Evolving towards an interventional glaucoma mindset

Traditionally, a newly diagnosed glaucoma patient would be treated first with medical therapy. As the disease progressed or the initial intervention failed to adequately control intraocular pressure (IOP), clinicians would add more drops, selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT), repeated SLT and...

Line-up confirmed for Eye News Symposium!

We are delighted to confirm an excellent line-up of speakers and topics for the Eye News Symposium, taking place in Glasgow on Sunday 20 January.

Atlas of Wide-Field Retinal Angiography and Imaging

Through extensive illustrations, this book, comprehensively yet concisely, covers the diagnostic speciality of wide-field retinal angiography and imaging. There are 15 chapters with contributions from 29 leading experts in this particular field who are mainly based in the USA, but...

The Eye in History

Amongst the numerous texts that are available, one occasionally encounters a history of ophthalmology. There is such rapid development of technology in recent years and one can get drawn into the minutiae of a particular subject, losing track of the...

Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery

The book, through a ‘rear-ended’ approach to training, covers basic and fundamental skills for the novice ophthalmic surgeon embarking on phacoemulsification cataract surgery. As the preface states, this is a ‘key surgical technique for an ophthalmologist to learn’. However, achieving...