You searched for "migraine"

193 results found

On the wrong track

A 65-year-old very high myope lady presented with sudden blurred vision down to count fingers to her right eye after a short and sharp pain. She also described seeing a black swirly line and as all these symptoms were exactly...

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus: the essentials

Herpes zoster, also referred to as shingles, is a common infection most typically caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus that lies dormant (sometime for decades) in the dorsal root nerve ganglion following primary chickenpox infection [1]. In 10-20%...

“Steel True, Blade Straight”

Steven Kerr of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh explores the medical career of Arthur Conan Doyle, his relationship with his mentor Joseph Bell and his fascination with ophthalmology. Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh on the...

The original smooth operator: Sir Robin Millar

As an early 80s kid, if you lacked sufficient pocket money, building a music collection entailed recording your favourite songs off the radio with a cassette deck and hoping the presenter didn’t interrupt at any point, with a finger hovering...

Retinoblastoma management update (part 1): clinical features, diagnosis and genetics

The first of a two part series, this article will discuss the clinical features, diagnosis and genetic aspects of retinoblastoma. Manoj Parulekar is based at Birmingham Children’s Hospital, one of the two designated national retinoblastoma and paediatric ocular oncology treatment...

Development of a modern surgical simulation suite to promote safer ophthalmic surgical training

For trainees, having access to surgical simulation equipment is more important than ever. The authors describe the creation of a bespoke teaching and training suite in Glasgow to help trainees develop their skills and promote surgical excellence. Simulation has become...

From novice to overnight on-calls: developing an ophthalmology bootcamp to ease the learning curve for new trainees

Introduction My first ophthalmology on-call was nine years ago and it was a fairly traumatic experience. I was an FY2 in a Welsh district general hospital and I was on my own – at least, that’s how it felt to...

What's trending Oct/Nov 2019

#probeyeotic #eyeballbugs #microbiome The human microbiome usually conjures up images of the gastrointestinal tract and yoghurt containing good bacteria. However, research suggests that the ocular mucosa is home to a unique microbe collection, with important immunological functional properties [1]. This...

FAQs about cerebral visual impairment (CVI): identifying and helping those affected

Cerebral visual impairment is common in both adults and children, yet the diagnosis can easily be missed unless one is tuned into the presenting features. This article provides a succinct introduction to this important topic. What is vision? Vision is...

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus: a clinician’s perspective

Introduction Herpes zoster, commonly known as shingles, is caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus (VZV). The term herpes is derived from a Greek work, herpein, which means ‘creeping’ and the word zoster means a belt or a girdle...

What's trending Dec/Jan 2019

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…A #RyderCup globe injury An unfortunate spectator was hit in the eye by a wayward golf ball during the Ryder Cup, and suffered, as she called it, “a fracture...

“Beware of the pigment”

Using some captivating artwork, Iheukwumere Duru describes key features of pigment dispersion syndrome. Pigmentary dispersion syndrome (PDS) leads to pigmentary glaucoma (PG) in approximately 35-50% of patients with the condition [1]. PG is the leading cause of non-traumatic blindness in...