You searched for "surgery"

2131 results found

Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology (Fourth Edition)

No matter what speciality you do there will always be a couple of core textbooks that everyone seems to recommend. When it comes to ophthalmology one of the most commonly cited ones is the Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology. Having used...

Designing ophthalmology services Part 2: How do we address the queues for a clinic?

The first of this three-part series showed how systems engineering can be used to correctly diagnose and address the causes of delays in a clinic. This second article describes how to design a more productive system that meets the new...

In conversation with Robert Dempsey (2017)

The new Head of Global Ophthalmics at Shire met us at the 2017 Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS), to tell us why Shire feels the time is right to launch into ophthalmology. Click the...

Visual Fields via the Visual Pathway (Second Edition)

This book is a very well-written and comprehensive text on visual field assessment and interpretation. It includes a large number of illustrations which are of a high quality and make it a good reading experience. The first section of the...

Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology Third Edition

The Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology came out in 2006 and is now in its third edition. It is a valuable concise resource with over 1000 pages to cover initial assessment, diagnosis and management of a comprehensive range of ophthalmic problems....

ESASO Course Series Vol. 4 Optical Coherence Tomography

This book, which is the latest volume from the European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology (ESASO) course series, is a revelation and joy to review. This compact volume provides an introduction and an update to the most recent technological...

Retinal Vein Occlusions: Evidence-based Management

This reference book is designed to enable an ophthalmologist to make diagnostic and treatment decisions on the basis of the available scientific evidence. This is a very comprehensive book covering all aspects of central retinal vein occlusions including basics, clinical...

Ophthalmology (third edition)

If you are an ophthalmologist who enjoys books with coloured pictures, you’re no lone wolf. The third edition of Lang’s Ophthalmology will definitely pique your primal ophthalmologist instincts. You will be drawn to its soft-bound yet sturdy looking exterior. Flicking...

A Practical Guide for Aspiring Ophthalmologists

Entry to ophthalmology training at ST1 level is one of the most popular and competitive recruitment processes in UK postgraduate medicine, therefore applicants should take every opportunity to prepare themselves for this challenge. Hopeful ST1 applicants may find A Practical...

Ophthalmology Secrets, Fifth Edition

Janice Gault presents the fifth edition of the critically acclaimed Ophthalmology Secrets. If you are someone like me, who is sceptical and needs persuaded to add another textbook to their collection, let me be the first to convince you the...

Steroid treatment for pseudophakic cystoid macular oedema

The authors present a retrospective comparison of 45 eyes of 41 patients treated with 2mg intravitreal triamcinolone (IVT group) and 50 eyes of 42 patients treated with 40mg sub-Tenons triamcinolone (STT group) for pseudophakic cystoid macular oedema (CMO). The visual...