You searched for "enucleation"

2105 results found

Streamlining cataract lists: how are you managing it?

Mr Jonathan Ross, in conversation with Ms Bita Manzouri, provides a personal perspective on challenges and opportunities shaping the future of cataract surgery services across the hospital eye service. Redesigning cataract pathways in response to COVID-19 Bita Manzouri: Over the...

Pathological myopia: a trainer’s perceptive

High myopia is defined as myopic refraction of greater than -6 dioptres with an axial length greater than 26.5mm, while pathological myopia is myopic refraction with posterior pole degeneration [1]. These degenerative changes can affect a young population and in...

RCOphth Annual Congress - Day 3

Follow live updates and key highlights from Day 3 of the RCOphth Annual Congress.

Networking in ophthalmology and ophthalmic imaging

Whether virtually or in real life, networking can expand our horizons. Rosalyn Painter takes a look at how it has influenced her own career. It is easy to forget the importance of networking, especially in the current climate; as imagers...

In conversation with Robert F Walters, Orbis Trustee

Can you give us a brief overview of the organisation and its hope for the future? Orbis International is a global non-governmental organisation (NGO) which is dedicated to the prevention of blindness. We’ve now been going since 1982. We’re very...

Meeting the needs of older patients in optics

Fiona Anderson discusses the important role of community-based eyecare practitioners in meeting the visual needs of ageing patients. It has been well documented that today we live for longer. Statistics show in 1997, around one in every six people (15.9%)...

Ophtherminator 3 - Rise of the Machines

“Bring back life form, priority one, all other priorities are rescinded.” Film buffs will spot this as a chilling quote spoken by Ash (Ian Holm) from the classic sci-fi horror movie Alien (1979). Ash (spoiler alert) is a Hyperdyne Systems...

Certifying patients as visually impaired: the start of a journey

In March 2017 there were 290,475 people registered as either visually impaired or severely visually impaired in the UK [1]. Patients registered as sight impaired benefit from financial support as well as practical help. Practical help is provided by social...

Fight for Sight and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists invite applications for John Lee Primer Fellowships for research into sight loss

In partnership with The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Fight for Sight is now inviting applications for its John Lee Primer Fellowships, offering up to £60,000 to support early career ophthalmologists to undertake ground-breaking vision research.

Easter Weekend sees the start of Innovia Face Visor production

Innovia Medical Group has announced that production of its Innovia Face Visor is now underway.

Supporting optical professions throughout the pandemic

A letter has been released to go to all optical professionals on behalf of the professional bodies and government bodies responsible for ophthalmic dispensing and optometry.

Study reveals increase in Charles Bonnet Syndrome symptoms due to COVID-19

A study published today in BMJ Open Ophthalmology has shown the impact of COVID-19 on those already experiencing vivid hallucinations as a result of Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS).