You searched for "surgery"

2131 results found

Effect of alcohol dependency on visual function

The purpose of this study was to evaluate visual function, attention and psychological profiles in consumer and abstainer alcohol dependency syndrome (ADS) patients in a Portuguese population. The study was a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study over a one-year...

Associations with ocular surface disease in high school children

The authors aimed to determine the prevalence of ocular surface symptoms in a high school population and to evaluate its association with contact lens wear and other factors. The study had a population of 3240 students. This was a cross-sectional...

Improving distance stereopsis in intermittent exotropia with training

This study compared the control ability of patients with stereopsis and analysed the influencing factors of the improvement of distance stereopsis in children with intermittent exotropia. Seventy-eight children were recruited: 33 male, 45 female with mean age of 8.4 ±2.72...

Germline mutation risk in solitary unilateral retinoblastoma

This study aimed to determine the true risk for germline mutation in a child presenting with solitary unilateral RB and whether this risk differs by age at presentation. This was a retrospective review of 482 cases from 1972-2020. Age groups...

CD40L activation of human RPE cells

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of reduced visual acuity in the elderly worldwide. The risk factors involved in AMD include smoking and diet, while genetics have been shown to have a significant role. Recently a link between...

OCT measures of lateral and medial recti

The authors assessed the agreement of the measurements of the horizontal rectus muscle insertion distance to the limbus and the muscle thickness between three different OCT devices. This was a cross section observation study of 70 eyes of 35 subjects....

Driving with retinitis pigmentosa

The authors present a study of 228 consecutive patients with a clinical or genetic diagnosis of retinitis pigmentosa. Data was collected prospectively between January 2012 and October 2022 in Perth, Australia. The study aimed to determine the proportion of patients...

Germline testing for uveal melanoma

The authors present a study of 114 consecutive patients presenting with uveal melanoma. Between 1 December 2019 and 1 November 2021 all patients over 18-years-old presenting to their centre with uveal melanoma were offered germline testing for variants in BAP1,...

Retinoblastoma mortality associations with choroidal and optic nerve invasion

The authors present a retrospective cohort study. Data was extracted from the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database, based in the US and founded in 1973. Cases of retinoblastoma were extracted using the inclusion criteria of...

Relationship between nocturnal intraocular pressure elevation and diurnal intraocular pressure level in NTG patients

This group studies Korean normo-tension glaucoma (NTG) patients over a 24-hour period to assess if there was a relationship between nocturnal intraocular pressure (IOP) and diurnal IOP. They have previously suggested differences in diurnal IOP may have varying mechanisms of...

Relationship between diabetic retinopathy and cerebrovascular reactivity changes

Cerebral micro-angiopathy caused by diabetes can manifest itself as an impairment in cerebrovascular reactivity. Transcranial doppler ultrasound (TCD) is a cost-effective and non-invasive way to measure the cerebrovascular reactivity. This study aimed to assess the relationship between the grade of...

Are retinal vein occlusions seasonal? And if so why might that be?

Some studies have reported a strong seasonal pattern to central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) occurrence with a peak in January, but other studies have failed to replicate this finding. The authors sought to determine data for Stockholm’s seasonal variation in...