You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

A prospective trial of adjuvant therapy for high-risk melanoma

Patients diagnosed with iris, ciliary body or choroidal melanoma of high-risk tumour cytogenetics (monosomy 3>/= 20% of cells), were treated with adjuvant low-dose dacarbacine (DTIC) and interferon –alpha-2b (IFNA-2b), following primary treatment (enucleation, brachytherapy or resection). DTIC was given intravenously...

Less extrusion of StopLoss Jones tubes

This is a retrospective comparison of the survival of StopLoss Jones tubes with conventional Lester Jones tubes. Between 2014 and 2016, 31 StopLoss and 59 Lester Jones tubes were inserted. The authors compared the extrusion and sinking-in rates between the...

Superior oblique tuck procedure

A retrospective study was conducted of superior oblique (SO) tuck as a primary and secondary surgery over a 25-year period involved 162 eyes of 162 patients. Two thirds were male. Mean age at surgery was 45.94 years. The left eye...

Combined recession surgery with Bupivacaine injection

The aim of this study was to evaluate the amount of correction of sensory strabismus with Bupivacaine injection combined with antagonist muscle recession. This was a prospective study of nine patients aged 43.5 ±12.3 years; six males and three females....

Surgery for superior oblique palsy with superior rectus contracture

With limited information in the literature regarding simultaneous surgery in cases with superior rectus (SR) contracture in superior oblique (SO) palsy, the authors aimed to evaluate the efficacy of combined SR/IO surgery. This was a retrospective study of 15 cases...

Medial rectus recession for Mobius sequence

The authors reviewed the long-term outcomes of medial rectus (MR) recession alone for Mobius sequence. This was a retrospective review. Surgery involved recession of 4-6.5mm plus inferior transposition if needed for V pattern. Success was defined as within 8PD of...

Fusional vergence measurement

This paper reports a systematic review to address two objectives: 1, to compare the normative values of tests measuring fusional vergence; 2, to investigate sources of heterogeneity of prism accuracy. The review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines with a...

Global prevalence of strabismus

With a need for relevant information to design plans for screening, early diagnosis and timely management, the aim of this study was to present a systematic review of the sources to provide an estimate of the global prevalence of strabismus...

CAT-QoL questionnaire

The purpose of this study was to use Rasch analysis to inform the refinement of the CAT-QoL amblyopia treatment questionnaire. Of the 342 subjects that were recruited across nine centres, 315 had sufficient clinical data for analysis with RUMM software....

Use of Bagolini filter bars

The authors measured the percentage light transmission of filters on different Bagolini filter bars to evaluate whether a difference exists in density of suppression or strength of abnormal binocular single vision (BSV). A Sekonic dual spot photometer was used to...

Children’s perspectives of amblyopia treatment

This study measured the impact of amblyopia treatment (patching and atropine) on health-related quality of life from the child’s perspective using the Child Amblyopia Treatment Quality of Life (CATQoL) questionnaire. The study recruited 46 children with no treatment in the...

Choice of cycloplegia regime

The purpose of this randomised control trial (RCT) was primarily to compare the refractive outcome of atropine 0.5% (A) instilled twice daily at home 2.5 days before measurement versus two drops of 1% cyclopentolate (CC) in one eye versus one...