You searched for "neuro-ophthalmology"

2075 results found

What’s Eating Gilbert Pete

“Please phone Mr C Lyon ASAP on 0131 334 9171” This was a message from my secretary waiting for me on my computer one morning shortly after I was appointed a consultant. The name did not ring any bells but...

The 2020 Milgram Experiment

Will ophthalmology recover from COVID-19? Learning Curve columnist Gwyn Samuel Williams shares his thoughts on the developing impact of the pandemic “It’s busy today,” the nurse in green chuckles. “There are six patients I think.” Six. This clinic is designed...

Blind Faith: In Conversation with Mariya Moosajee

In light of the BBC releasing Blind Faith: Do genetic eye disease ‘treatments' work? earlier this year, a documentary which follows BBC journalist Ramadan Younes as he investigates practitioners who falsely claim to have ‘treatments’ for genetic eye disease, Eye...

What's trending Oct/Nov 2023

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #Hello A big hello to those reading. It’s my absolute pleasure to take on the mantel of section editor of the...

Just sign here: the intricacies of consent in the post-Montgomery era

The consent process is a vital part of the patient pathway and is far more than just getting the patient to sign on the dotted line. In my work in litigation I often see issues around informed consent resulting in...

The last three patients: general practice (Patient One)

Professor Jonathan Rees is an Emeritus Professor of Dermatology at the University of Edinburgh (2020). He held the Grant Chair of Dermatology in Edinburgh from 2000 to 2020, and before that the Chair of Dermatology in Newcastle from 1992 to...

The ghost of Christmas present

“Ah, youth is wasted on the wrong people.” Some will recognise this as one of the many brilliant quotes from what is considered to be the best Christmas movie ever – Frank Capra’s tear-jerker It’s a Wonderful Life (1946), although...

3D printing and ophthalmology

3D printers have been available in the home market for many years, with the range of models increasing over time and the costs reducing. Historically, 3D printers have built a reputation of being complex and uncommon, most needing significant assembly...

Running a high-volume nurse led intravitreal service using the Sp.eye device – the Stanley Eye Unit experience

Introduction The vast majority of ophthalmology units utilise allied healthcare professionals (AHPs) to deliver intravitreal injections (IVIs). The Royal College of Ophthalmologists issued a statement 10 years ago advocating the use of non-medical practitioners performing IVIs [1]. The main benefit...

Commonest mistakes during the refraction certificate exam

Ophthalmology specialty trainees are required to pass the refraction certificate exam within the first two years of training. If one passes this exam before entering a training programme, this can add two points to the portfolio during applications. In this...

Is this a retinal detachment?

Despite the help of allied health professionals in triaging and managing acute ophthalmic emergencies, eye casualty remains overburdened. Trainees at the beginning of their training often struggle to manage such busy clinics with varied presentations. We present a case that...

Hidden eyelid laceration following blunt trauma

A paediatric case report of a hidden eyelid laceration following blunt trauma. Blunt injury to the eyelid can result in a multitude of issues, such as damage to the eyelid margin, lacrimal system and surrounding orbit [1]. These can often...