You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Using small amplitude saccades to assess saccadic velocity

Saccades are a key component in the assessment and diagnosis of neuro-ophthalmological disorders. Clinicians are typically taught to use large amplitude saccades (LAS) of at least 20 degrees to assess saccadic velocity. It has been suggested, however, that small amplitude...

Saccadic eye movements in young-onset Parkinson’s disease

The objective of this study was to understand control of saccadic eye movements in patients with young onset Parkinson’s disease (YOPD) where onset of disease symptoms appears early in life (<40 years of age). Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was...

Ocular adnexal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma

This is a multicentre retrospective study of seven eye centres of 689 patients with ocular adnexal extranodal marginal zone b-cell lymphoma (OA-EMZL). The median follow-up time was 42 months and the median age was 62 years. Fifty-five percent were women;...

Mediation of vertical vergence

The authors hypothesised that if vertical vergence were mediated by vertical rectus muscles, then the eye that moves during a vertical fusion task would produce larger vertical vergence when abducted versus adducted. Similarly, if mediated by the oblique muscles then...

Lang Stereopad comparisons

The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of the Lang Stereopad in detecting and measuring stereopsis in a population with normal visual parameters. The Lang Stereopad was compared directly to the Frisby, TNO and Lang II stereotests...

CD73 in aggressive basal cell carcinoma

This is a retrospective review looking at levels of CD73 in aggressive basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) that invade the orbit. Eleven patients who underwent orbital exenteration for invasion by BCCs were compared with 10 matched controls who had simple nodular...

Surgical results in spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)

Patients with SCA frequently develop ocular motility abnormalities including nystagmus, abnormal smooth pursuits, dysmetric saccades, divergence paresis and ophthalmoplegia. Incidence of diplopia is higher in SCA type 3. The purpose of this study was to evaluate surgical responses and outcomes...

Improving vision screening access

The purpose of this study was to determine whether providing access to instrument-based screening equipment would increase the total number of high quality age-appropriate vision screenings provided to pre-school aged children. SPOT vision screening was placed in paediatric offices at...

ROP and weight gain

The authors aimed to examine the relationship between postnatal weight gain and development of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) among very preterm infants. They examined weight changes in the early postnatal period from birth to the first day of established full...

Adjustment under topical anaesthesia in children

This is a study of 19 cases of strabismus surgery using topical aesthetic and intraoperative adjustment in selected children. The study included 14 males and five females with mean age of 12.68 ±2.5 years (range 8-16). Five were esotropia and...

App detection of leukocoria

This paper outlines ARCELE – Computer Assisted Detection of Leukocoria. This is an iPhone app developed to increase early detection of retinoblastoma by detecting leukocoria. The aim of this study was to determine the use of CRADLE as a screening...

PDI check Nintendo screening results

‘PDI check’ is a vision assessment game developed for the autostereoscopic upper screen on the Nintendo 3DS XL game console. Version 0.2.5 emphasises quick assessment of monocular acuity, stereoacuity and red-green colour deficiency. The purpose of this study was to...