You searched for "nAMD"

389 results found

Existential Crises

Over the past few years and months, I have noticed increased numbers of my colleagues from all over the UK complaining about various problems with their jobs and life in general, and it seems that since the COVID-19 pandemic the...

Is ophthalmology still a vocation?

People seem to be interested in medicine for different reasons. There does seem to be a spectrum in ophthalmology in which people range from ‘do it for the pay’ all the way to ‘do it for the patients’, with some...

The pyramid

The first time I attended the Congress of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists was now more than 10 years ago, though I still remember the excitement of wandering down the aisles in the exhibition hall marvelling at the stands and...

Effecting change

I took a picture of my new identity badge and sent it to everyone I knew. In fact, I put it up on Facebook as well. The two key words were ‘Consultant Ophthalmologist’ and let us ignore for now that...

Handover of power

Election time comes every five years in the United Kingdom. It is usually a time of excitement and trepidation as people wonder what will change, for whom and over how long, depending on which party might win power. Usually it...

Lines, dots, spots and rings in ophthalmology: understanding eponyms

Eponymous names are familiar to all who have undergone undergraduate and postgraduate training in medicine. The ability to name a few allows one to stand out among your peers and rare, or not so rare, eponymous syndromes are a favourite...

What can we learn from Jimmy McGill?

A few months ago, my eldest son got me interested in a Netflix series called “Better Call Saul”. This is a spin-off from another series called “Breaking Bad”, although I confess to not having seen any of those episodes as...

A European ophthalmology perspective

Europe: from the Greek eurus: broad, wide, and ops: eye, face, sight. Thus Europe = the far-sighted (lady). For my first contribution to this column – as the successor of Jonathan Park, whose witty observations and entertaining style many of...

Introducing: the ANTS Imaging Competition

Do you have an interest in ophthalmic imaging? Fancy capturing the anterior segment using a slit-lamp? Check out the new ANTS Imaging Competition.

What's trending Apr/May 2022

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending over the last few weeks. #ArgusI #ArgusII #bioniceye #retinitispigmentosa #SecondSight Remember Argus I & Argus II? Its star burned bright, touted as the future of treatment for retinitis pigmentosa....

On reflection

Welcome one and all to our festive Eye News Dec/Jan 2024. The arrow of time has flown through 2023, landing us at the year’s end, but not before Santa brings you this special delivery. Aside from the partying and generally...

Ophthalmology in ancient india, Sushruta’s time and the modern era

While reading an article related to the history of Indian ophthalmology, I came across this description of a surgical procedure: “The doctor warmed the patient’s eye with the breath of his mouth. He rubbed the closed eye of the patient...