You searched for "surgery"

2131 results found

The management of chronic uveitis

A 40-year-old company executive is referred from another unit with recurrent anterior and posterior uveitis for 12 months and the inflammatory markers are raised. Review of systems This is a case of chronic uveitis which needs a thorough workup and...

Innovation update: key advances in eyecare transformation in the last year

Vishal Shah and his co-authors reflect on examples of innovation in eyecare delivery published in the last year and the implications for the future of eyecare services. The “new normal” is an overused phrase to describe extraordinary measures that have...

3D printing and ophthalmology

3D printers have been available in the home market for many years, with the range of models increasing over time and the costs reducing. Historically, 3D printers have built a reputation of being complex and uncommon, most needing significant assembly...

What’s trending? Dec/Jan 2018

#scleratattoo Yes, you read that correctly. Scleral tattoos are a relatively new form of extreme body modification. Oddly enough, ‘sclera tattoo’ comes up with more hits on Twitter and YouTube than ‘scleral tattoo’. The procedure involves injecting a mixture of...

The importance of ‘hands-on’ learning

Providing ongoing professional education and development for the allied professions out of the clinic or hospital setting is often quite challenging. The reorganisation of rotas, heavy clinic lists and financial constraints all add up to making the opportunity to learn...

Post-Brexit deal welcomed but leaves future relationship with EU far from settled

Rod McNeil breaks down the impact of the Brexit deal on healthcare in the UK, including medicines regulation, research funding, sharing of information and the ability to work abroad. A disorderly no-deal exit from the European Union (EU) was averted...

The role of injection assistant devices in establishing a nurse-led AMD service

The author shares his experience of setting up a nurse-led service to deliver anti-VEGF intravitreal injections and how injection assistant devices supported training. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) has become a leading cause of irreversible blindness [1]. It is estimated that...

Understanding vasoproliferative retinal tumours

Syed Irtiza Ali Shah explores this rare and unusual condition through a fascinating case presentation. Vasoproliferative tumours of the retina (VPTR) are a vascular mass with an associated exudative retinopathy alongside the presence of minimally dilated feeder vessels. This is...

Lessons from an unusual case of syphilis

The rise of syphilis transmission rates over the past two decades has been one of public health’s great puzzles. In the UK, the situation has reached epidemic levels, with a 126% increase between 2013 and 2018 [1]. We present a...

My ophthalmic elective: focusing on myopia in Taiwan

The authors describe their elective experience and delve further into high myopia, an emerging ophthalmic disease that is increasingly recognised in and outside Asia. The medical school elective programme presents an opportunity for students to conduct learning in their chosen...

Blinded by an Ofsted inspection

Introduction The Association of Health Professions in Ophthalmology (AHPO) is a charity, whose objectives are to promote the practice, education, training and research in ophthalmology and vision science in the UK. The extraordinary developments in diagnostic equipment and technologies have...

Chemical injury

You are the on-call ophthalmologist. You receive a call from A&E regarding a 45-year-old man who sustained a chemical injury. He was mixing some cement, when a small amount entered his left eye. He was not wearing any protective goggles....