You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

A novel approach to suprachoroidal haemorrhage drainage

The authors describe a novel surgical technique for external drainage of choroidal detachment / suprachoroidal haemorrhage with a butterfly needle. Six eyes with serous and / or haemorrhagic choroidal detachments (five from complicated cataract surgery with vitreous loss, one globe...

Factors influencing the outcome of GT and TBT in PCG

This is a retrospective study between 2013 to 2016 of 452 eyes of patients </=12 years with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG), who underwent either goniotomy (GT) (median age: six months, 120 eyes) or trabeculotomy (TBT) (median age: 5.2 months, 332...

Factors leading to loss to follow-up after strabismus surgery in children.

One hundred and fourteen patients were identified as lost to follow-up between 2014 and 2020, representing 16% of paediatric strabismus surgery performed during this time period. The authors specifically defined lost to follow-up as not attending follow-up appointments between three...

Accuracy of ASOCT muscle insertion measurements

Anterior segment optical coherence tomography (ASOCT) is a non-contact imaging method that can provide accurate measures of extraocular muscles to limbus insertion distances. The authors evaluated the accuracy of ASOCT for locating horizontal extraocular muscle insertions after strabismus surgery in...

Occult central retinal artery occlusion

Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is a sight-threatening condition resulting from occlusion of the central retinal artery and hypoperfusion of the inner retina. Early on, fundal examination may be normal. The authors present a retrospective case series of 11 patients...

IOL power in short eyes

Prospective analysis of 269 eyes of 269 patients between 2017 and 2020, with axial length (AL) of 22mm or less. New principles for calculating IOL power were recently developed, including formulas based on paraxial ray-tracing (Barrett and Olsen) and based...

Complications after cataract surgery in high myopes: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The authors review all the modern literature on complications after phacoemulsification in high myopes with axial lengths (AL) greater than 25.0mm. Twenty-eight studies reporting on 19,586 eyes were included. The corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) improved from 0.96 ± 0.53...

Posterior capsular rupture risk factors as reported in the European registry

In this cross-sectional review of the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (EUREQUO) including 2,853,376 patients and 31,749 cases with posterior capsular rupture (PCR), the authors observed a trend of reduction in PCR rate from 1.44%...

Hidden spread of sebaceous cell carcinoma

This was a review of 29 patients who had undergone orbital exenteration for sebaceous cell carcinoma. Prompted by the increasing use of topical treatments for intraepithelial disease, the authors were keen to discover the frequency of spread of tumour cells...

COVID-related mucormycosis

The authors report a retrospective case-control study of 73 patients with COVID-19 associated mucormycosis (CAM) between 1st March and 30th May 2021. They compared various factors between the two groups – patients who survived CAM (47 [64%]) and those that...

The incidence of sympathetic ophthalmia

In this meta-analysis, the authors looked at 24 retrospective studies to determine the incidence of sympathetic ophthalmia following open globe injury amongst adult and paediatric populations. The year of publication of studies included ranged from 1972-2019, and with broad search...

Transient visual loss caused by crowded optic discs

The author presents four cases of transient visual loss (TVL) in young females (age range at presentation 14-22 years) with crowded optic discs. Patient demographics, investigations, medical and social histories are provided for all patients. A review of evidence for...