You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Comparing tensile strengths of two scleral fixated intraocular lenses: CT-Lucia and MA60

The authors designed a benchtop model to measure the tensile strengths and resistance to breakage of the haptics and haptic-optic junctions of the CT Lucia 602 (Carl Zeiss, California) and AcrySof MA60 (Alcon Laboratories, Texas) IOLs. For the haptic breakage...

Second primary tumours after sebaceous carcinoma

This is a study investigating the risk of developing a second primary malignancy in patients previously diagnosed with eyelid sebaceous cell carcinoma. The records of 559 patients who were diagnosed with sebaceous cell carcinoma between 2000 and 2016 were reviewed,...

Care journeys of patients with central retinal artery occlusion

The authors present a retrospective case note review of all adult patients referred for or diagnosed with central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) to a single tertiary hospital over a 10½ year period. A total of 181 patients were included in...

Adjuvant radiotherapy in orbital malignancy

This is a retrospective review of high dose volumetric modulated arc radiotherapy (VMAT) for adjuvant treatment of patients with orbital malignancy who had already undergone local excision or exenteration. VMAT differs from conventional external beam radiotherapy in that it is...

How to reconstruct an upper lid defect

In this 10-year review, the authors look at published techniques for repairing upper lid defects and their respective success. Of the 10 studies included in this paper, they divide the techniques described within to bridging and non-bridging. Bridging techniques tend...

Suture versus sutureless paediatric cataract surgery

This was a prospective study comparing the outcomes, feasibility and safety of clear corneal cataract surgery with or without sutures in children with paediatric cataract. There were 85 eyes in each group (170 eyes of 110 patients). Each eye was...

Hess vs. Harms vs. PCT measurements

This study aimed to compare the results of the different tests in 36 strabismus patients and 18 healthy controls aged 6-81 years. Tests included alternate prism cover test, Hess screen and Harms screen. Because of glasses restrictions with the Harms...

Clinical features and mortality of endogenous panophthalmitis in China

This longitudinal cohort study aimed to report the clinical features, treatment strategy, and mortality of 15 consecutive patients (16 eyes) with endogenous panophthalmitis (EP) at a tertiary medical centre of the largest eye centre in Northern China. Mean age was...

Evaluation of fluocinolone acetonide in the management of BRC

This is a single-centre, retrospective, intervention study of 15 eyes of birdshot retinochoroiditis (BRC) patients who received Iluvein, with a mean follow-up period of 31 months. Five eyes had previously received dexamethasone intravitreal implant 0.7mg (Ozurdex). Fluorescein angiography (FA) showed...

Rural amblyopia prevalence in Iran

The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of amblyopia in subjects aged 3-93 years living in under-served rural areas of Iran. The study was conducted in 2015 in two under-served districts randomly selected from the southwest and...

Augmented surgery for monocular elevation deficiency

The outcomes are described for augmented lateral rectus superior transposition in cases of acquired monocular elevation deficiency (MED) associated with large hypotropia in primary gaze. The lateral rectus was transposed superiorly and reinserted on sclera between the temporal margin of...

VA and stereo changes with increasing Bangerter filters

This study investigated the effect of monocular blur induced by Bangerter filters (BF) on both monocular and binocular visual acuity (VA) and stereoacuity in normal visual systems. Subjects included 24 healthy student volunteers aged 20.33 ±1.79 years; 22 female. One...