You searched for "ophthalmoscope"

2347 results found

Thinking outside the box – adapting to the COVID-19 lockdown

How can we avoid further delays to follow-up in glaucoma patients? The author asks if there is a socially distanced way to check IOPs in those at high risk of losing vision. Glaucoma is an asymptomatic condition. Loss of the...

An uncommon late postoperative complication of combined cataract surgery and intravitreal triamcinolone injection

Case report A 64-year-old female with diabetic maculopathy (DMO) underwent phacoemulsification with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in her right eye combined with intravitreal triamcinolone (IVTA). Diabetes control was poor with HbA1c (IFCC) of 119mmol/mol and blood sugar level of 27mmol/L....

Birdshot chorioretinopathy: an important differential

Birdshot chorioretinopathy (BSCR) is a relatively uncommon cause of posterior uveitis which often has a relapsing and remitting course [1,2]. We present a case which demonstrates how remission can be obtained for several years using cyclosporine. Case report A 44-year-old...

Acute dellen formation post trauma

Corneal dellen are saucer-like thinnings, usually of the peripheral cornea [1]. Dellen formation is thought to be related to localised tear film instability [2], specifically the absence of the mucin component of the tear film. Without the mucin layer, dry...

Systemic sarcoidosis presenting with acute myopia and angle closure

Case report A 40-year-old Asian man presented to the Emergency Department with a one day history of sudden onset visual disturbance in his right eye. He complained of image distortion and noted that objects now appeared smaller. He also described...

“My cataracts have been dissolved by eye drops!”

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are scientific reality and which are ‘fake news’. Headline: “My cataracts have been dissolved by eye drops!” I’m sure some of us have had patients enquire...

Glaucoma patients can monitor and treat their own IOP!

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related stories in the news. Headline: Glaucoma patients can monitor and treat their own IOP! It is well known that poorly controlled intraocular pressure (IOP) is a leading risk factor for glaucoma...

Another plant-based remedy for the eye?

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are based on facts and which are ‘fake news’. Headline: Another plant-based remedy for the eye? What do the nicknames Mary Jane, tea, and 420 all...

The results of the last survey Oct 2019

Another fascinating response which once more highlights the massive variation in practice. I completely acknowledge that ophthalmology is an art as well as a science and therefore there will be variances in practice and there will not be one ‘right’...

The results of the last survey Aug21

We are often referred patients noted to have an optic disc haemorrhage (ODH) without any other features of pathology. How we manage these patients can have a significant impact on our struggling capacity. The significance in glaucoma and, in particular,...

Fusarium keratitis in a patient with alcohol dependence

Treatment of fungal keratitis secondary to the Fusarium species remains a challenge. Although relatively more common in warmer climates, this corneal infection is rare in the UK. Most cases have been reported in farmers and are often preceded by trauma....

Anisometropia following cataract surgery and its non-surgical treatment

The desired result of cataract surgery is improved visual acuity without the use of spectacles. In practice most patients following initial cataract extraction are likely to be symptomatic of anisometropia giving rise to prismatic effects (anisophoria) and unequal retinal image...