You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

A paradigm shift: re-defining success in retinal detachment repair

The authors describe in this review article that functional outcomes vary with surgical technique for retinal detachment repair. Traditional definitions of surgical success have been shifted due to advances in imaging techniques. Assessment of the integrity of retinal reattachment including...

Using perimetry to support lesion location in the retrochiasmal visual pathway

The authors present a retrospective case review of patients with homonymous hemianopia from a 30-year period. Inclusion criteria included completion of perimetry within two years of diagnosis and a MRI brain. Data extracted from the records included demographics, diagnosis details...

Cycloplegic retinoscopy refraction versus Retinomax K-Plus 5 autorefraction

In this study, the authors present their results comparing cycloplegic refraction with retinoscopy versus hand-held Retinomax K-Plus 5 autorefraction. The study included 213 children aged 0.1 to 20 years (426 eyes). Mean age was 6.2 ±4.4 years. They examined sphere,...

BT outcomes under open versus closed sky technique

This retrospective study compared open versus closed sky BT injection techniques without electromyography (EMG) control in 135 patients (31 open sky and 104 closed). Patients were aged 1-50 years for open sky and 2-34 years for closed. There was a...

Prevalence of strabismus 10 years after infantile cataract surgery

The authors present a secondary analysis of the longitudinal data on ocular alignment from the Infant Aphakia Treatment Study (IATS). The details of the trial are published elsewhere. This paper focuses on the ocular alignment assessment at age 10.5 years,...

Mapping areas to target location of vision screening services

In this study, the authors analysed data from a community vision screening program to determine the efficiency of vision screening in reaching lower income populations. The study used ArcGIS (Esri) mapping software to develop a visual representation of areas needing...

Use of YouTube videos to show surgical techniques for paediatric cataract surgery

This study aimed to assess the quality of the most highly viewed paediatric cataract surgery videos regarding surgeon proficiency and execution of key techniques. A search for congenital cataract surgery and paediatric cataract surgery was made in YouTube. The top...

Augmented trabeculectomy with mitomycin C in primary congenital glaucoma

This study aimed to determine success of trabeculectomy augmented with mitomycin C (MMC) in children with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) and document complications of this intervention. Over a two-year period, the authors treated 74 eyes of 42 children with PCG,...

High rate of conversion from ocular hypertension to glaucoma in subjects with uveitis

This is a retrospective study from Auckland over a 10-year period. A total of 188 eyes of 139 subjects with either ocular hypertension (OH) or uveitic glaucoma (UG) were included for analysis with a mean follow up of 9.9 years....

Preterm birth and refractive error in an Indian infant population

This study was undertaken to identify and compare the changes in refractive outcome in infants with and without retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), to inform incidence of refractive error. This was a prospective study of 300 consecutive premature infants with birth...

Surgery to reduce chin-up abnormal head posture with nystagmus

The authors report the surgical results of six patients with chin up abnormal head posture (AHP) in infantile nystagmus syndrome (INS) where maximal inferior rectus weakening (recession) was undertaken along with superior rectus resection in four of the cases. This...

Long-standing flattening effects on the globe following spaceflight

Posterior globe flattening has been well-documented in astronauts both during and after long-duration spaceflight (LDSF). This globe flattening is thought to be due to the disc centred anterior forces created by elevated volume and / or pressure within the optic...