You searched for "ophthalmoscope"

2347 results found

OAEE UPDATE - Urgent Call for Surgical Supplies in Ukraine

UK professionals have called for aid in sending surgical equipment to Ukraine during Russian invasion.

Women-led, solar powered eye centres to treat 1 million people at risk of avoidable blindness in India

One million people at risk of avoidable blindness in West Bengal, India, now have access to eye care thanks to the opening of nine environmentally friendly Green Vision Centres, five of which are led by women.

What's trending Jun/Jul 2022

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending over the last few weeks. #Polishdoctor #UkraineConflict #familysight Polish doctor Professor Rejdak’s team saved a Ukrainian family’s eyesight after a bomb hit their home. Olena Selichzianowa and her 5-year-old...

What's trending Oct/Nov 2021

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #cataracts #holography #simulation Cataracts are the major cause of blindness globally and innovating novel management strategies remains as important as ever...

How to diagnose and treat Acanthamoeba keratitis

Corneal ulceration caused by Acanthamoeba is on the rise, and recent publications indicate an outbreak in the UK over the last few years [1]. Since Acanthamoeba keratitis often presents with atypical features, diagnosis from slit-lamp examination alone can often be...

Strabismus in thyroid eye disease

Pathogenesis Thyroid eye disease (TED) is an auto-immune condition, in the initial phase there is lymphocytic infiltration and oedema of the extraocular muscles with deposition of glycosaminoglycans and hyaluronic acid and adipogenesis, which can lead to an increase in the...

The miracle of multi-professional working in modern-day eyecare

"It’s a Tuesday morning, and I’m in the presence of one of the most mind-boggling accomplishments in human history. This thing is so astounding in its complexity and scope, it makes the Panama Canal look like a third grader’s craft...

From the seas to OCTs, a journey from working in TV to creating teaching in ophthalmology

To relaunch our Allied Professionals section, Paul Dimmock from Gloucestershire discusses his unique role with the Gloucestershire Retinal Education Group. In Gloucestershire we have a collection of ophthalmic-targeted departments led by Professor Peter Scanlon, Clinical Director of the NHS Diabetic...

The role of virtual Rb-NET Multidisciplinary Team meetings in the management of children with retinoblastoma in low- and middle-income countries

A selection of participants in an MDT meeting with Uganda. In 2017 the LINKS Programme developed a new network of LINKS to support and coordinate action against retinoblastoma (Rb) in response to requests from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), called...

Dementia and visual impairment: what is the relationship and are we providing the best care?

Carla Maden discusses the implications of living with both dementia and visual impairment, and how general medical junior doctors and ophthalmologists can help to alleviate this burden and improve the quality of life of such patients. Dementia and visual impairment...

Headset perimetry

Visual field analysers are traditionally large table mounted devices, designed specifically for field capture and analysis. Over the last year or so a number of companies have started to disrupt this space with the introduction of headset-based field analysers, mostly...

The approach to trabeculectomy postoperative complications

Performing a trabeculectomy is like giving birth to a baby. It may be traumatic and there is scope for devastating error but once the operation is completed only then does the real work begin. The bleb must be nurtured into...