You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Modification of surgery to reduce consecutive ET

Surgical treatment for recurrent exotropia (ET) predominantly depends on the primary surgery. Modification of surgical dose may be required in secondary procedures. The aim of this study was to compare surgical outcomes of modified and conventional secondary surgery using lateral...

DVD angle measurements

Surgical treatment for recurrent exotropia (ET) predominantly depends on the primary surgery. Modification of surgical dose may be required in secondary procedures. The aim of this study was to compare surgical outcomes of modified and conventional secondary surgery using lateral...

Sagging eye syndrome surgery

This retrospective study evaluated outcomes of surgery for patients with sagging eye syndrome (SES) from 1994 to 2014, to determine recurrence rates of strabismus. The study identified 103 cases; 93 requiring surgery for symptomatic small angle strabismus and 10 requiring...

Contact lenses for adults with infantile nystagmus

A pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT) was conducted to determine recruitment rates, acceptability of and adherence to treatment and adverse events along with change in best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and nystagmus parameters from baseline to two weeks follow-up. The...

Corpus callosum in infantile esotropia

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) imaging was undertaken with four infantile esotropia (IE) patients and nine controls. All with IE showed an asymmetrical distribution of callosal fibres when comparing two hemispheres. Many fibres terminated near the tips of the occipital cortices....

Angle of deviation measurements in seated and supine positions

The objectives of this study were to compare ocular deviation between the seated and decubitus positions in the operating room and assess the outcomes at one day, one month and three months postoperatively. This prospective study included 30 cases; two...

Knobby eye syndrome

This study used high resolution MRI to demonstrate and evaluate globe shape in axial high myopia and identify and characterise those with prominent equatorial staphylomata that deflect extraocular muscle paths and presumably alter motility patterns in strabismus. The study included...

Macular atrophy and choriocapillaris nonperfusion

This Japanese study compared the choriocapillaris (CC) nonperfusion area as measured on OCTA with areas of macular atrophy (MA) measured by fundus autofluoresence (FAF). A total of 44 eyes were assessed (31 were treated with anti-VEGF alone and 13 had...

Is pre-eclampsia / eclampsia a risk factor for non-infective uveitis?

This population based retrospective matched cohort study was the first of its kind to suggest an association between preeclampsia / eclampsia (PEE) and non-infective uveitis (NIU). They used the Longitudinal National Health Insurance database in Taiwan to assess 2073 post-delivery...

Under pressure: intraocular pressure and bariatric surgery

Obesity in the general patient population is increasing. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommends bariatric surgery with body-mass index (BMI) of over 40, or between 35-40 and other significant disease that could be improved with weight loss....

WATCH EPISODE 7: Beyond 2020 with the Andean Medical Mission

In this episode, after shortly arriving back from working in Magdalena, Bolivia, Dave discusses five key points to finding the right patients and ensuring that they arrive at your clinic as early as possible into your campaign.

Proof of concept for using aqueous humour to detect retinoblastoma variant

A proof of concept study is presented with the aim of assessing the feasibility of using aqueous humour surrogate marker for tumour tissue for identifying retinoblastoma RB1 variant. Three children undergoing enucleation for retinoblastoma were recruited from a single centre....