You searched for "education"

2857 results found

Visual retraining for homonymous hemianopia following stroke

This is a clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of motion discrimination training as a potential therapy for stroke-induced hemianopic visual field defects involving 48 patients. They were randomised into two arms, one intervention (deficit-field) and one control (sighted-field). Patients were...

Positives and negatives of managing diplopia in adults with prisms

This study recruited consecutive patients prescribed prisms during a two-year period, within set criteria of a deviation up to 30 prism diopters, good fusion, willingness to wear prisms and no previous unsuccessful use of prisms. The majority of cases had...

Whiteboard illustrations added to pre-surgery timeout procedure

The authors present results of a quality improvement initiative. A whiteboard illustrated with right and left eyes with views of the extraocular muscles was developed, the board also contained spaces for the patient’s name, deviation, versions and the procedure name....

Outcomes of strabismus surgery for TED

This study investigated the surgical outcome according to the initial postoperative angle of deviation after strabismus surgery in patients with hypotropia and esotropia who had thyroid eye disease (TED). The study included 78 patients with mean age of 53.4 ±9.5...

Detailed overview of diplopia causes and outcomes for a single tertiary care centre

The purpose of this study was to study the aetiology, progression and outcome in patients with binocular diplopia presenting to the ophthalmology department of a tertiary care centre in India. The study had a prospective observational design where all patients...

IOL power in short eyes

Prospective analysis of 269 eyes of 269 patients between 2017 and 2020, with axial length (AL) of 22mm or less. New principles for calculating IOL power were recently developed, including formulas based on paraxial ray-tracing (Barrett and Olsen) and based...

Comparing tensile strengths of two scleral fixated intraocular lenses: CT-Lucia and MA60

The authors designed a benchtop model to measure the tensile strengths and resistance to breakage of the haptics and haptic-optic junctions of the CT Lucia 602 (Carl Zeiss, California) and AcrySof MA60 (Alcon Laboratories, Texas) IOLs. For the haptic breakage...

Prognosis prediction using clinical findings for fourth nerve palsies

The authors present a retrospective review of a cohort of patients diagnosed with fourth cranial nerve palsy with more than six months follow-up, over a 10-year period at a single centre. Thirty-five patients were included in the study, and spilt...

AC/A measurement differences

The authors sought to investigate differences in stimulus accommodative convergence/accommodation (AC/A) ratio using various techniques and accommodative stimuli. The study included 81 orthoptic students; 15 males and 66 females with a mean age of 21 years ±1. Ocular deviation was...

Single case report of horizontal gaze paresis due to medial pontine haemorrhage

The authors report a single case (80-year-old female) of bilateral horizontal conjugate gaze palsy due to a dorsal median pontine haemorrhage. The patient presented with skew deviation, bilateral horizontal conjugate gaze palsy, vertical gaze palsy, ipsilateral lower motor neuron facial...

IO over action surgery

This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of the two surgical methods on the correction of inferior oblique over action (IOOA). This was a retrospective study of 99 eyes of 56 patients; 47 myectomy and 52 anterior transposition procedures. Mean...

Long-term improvement of stereopsis in intermittent refractive esotropia

This was a retrospective study to review the records of patients with refractive accommodative esotropia (RAET) to determine long-term stereoacuity (SA) improvement in those that showed initial poor or no stereopsis. The study included 79 patients; 54% male and mean...