You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Simultaneous surgery for ptosis and strabismus

The authors present the surgical management of congenital ptosis and coexistent strabismus at one centre for a follow-up period of >2 years. This was a retrospective review of 10 patients (17 eyes); nine males. Intermittent exotropia was present in three...

MRI in anisometropic amblyopia

This study recruited patients with anisometropic amblyopia in the right eye and without strabismus. This allowed the authors to reduce the effort exerted in cortex activities by different amblyopic eyes. They used whole brain analysis to find the differences between...

Open-field autorefraction screening

This study aimed to determine the efficacy of the Shin-Nippon NVision-K5001 autorefractometer using the open-field refractometry principle in the elimination of accommodation in children. One hundred and fourteen patients aged three to six years were recruited. After excluding ocular pathology...

Repeated ptosis surgery

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the amounts of surgery for the treatment of residual or recurrent simple congenital ptosis and to investigate the relationship between long-term surgical success rates with clinical and surgical factors. This was a...

Reduction of severe visual loss and complications following IAC for RB

This was a retrospective cohort study of patients with retinoblastoma (RB) who required intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC) between 2013 and 2015, who had relapsed following systemic chemotherapy. A total of nine patients were included in the study and their ocular complications...

Correlation between anti-retinal antibodies and proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR)

The pathological basis of PVR is not clearly understood and there are no effective medications targeting this condition. This cross-sectional study looked at the possible association of anti-retinal antibodies with patients with PVR and retinal detachment (RD). Aqueous and vitreous...

Cataract in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome

The authors present a prospective comparative study in 43 patients with (group 1) or without (group 2) pseudoexfoliation (PXF) undergoing cataract surgery. Anterior capsule samples were obtained in all patients and analysed for signs of apoptosis by using special staining...

Optical quality difference between monofocal and multifocal intraocular lenses

It is well known that multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) can generate more than one focus to restore distance and near vision, but patients may experience adverse optical phenomena such as decreased contrast sensitivity and induced glare or halos. The authors...

Phakic iris clip lenses and endothelial cell loss

This retrospective observational study included long-term results on endothelial cell losses in highly myopic eyes, which underwent phakic iris-clip lens implantations. Included in the analysis were 113 eyes with mean preoperative spherical equivalent (SEQ) of -14.67 +/- 5.15 Diopters (D)....

Diagnosis of amiodarone-associated optic neuropathy

Amiodarone is a widely used anti-arrhythmic drug. Several case reports describe optic neuropathy which has been linked to its use. This case series discusses the diagnosis of amiodarone-associated optic neuropathy (AAON) and its potential impact on cardiac therapy. The authors...

An atypical presentation of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease

The authors present a single case of atypical presentation of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. A 42-year-old female presented with unilateral visual loss associated with systemic symptoms of fever and headache. Initial ophthalmic examination revealed a unilateral neuroretinitis, however, investigations for infectious and...

PROMs in blepharoplasty

With the advent of clinical commissioning in NHS England the need to demonstrate the benefits of certain surgeries is becoming increasing common. Upper Lid blepharoplasty is a commonly performed operation and often seen as a cosmetic procedure. Danish visitation guidelines...