You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Descemetorhexis without endothelial keratoplasty

This retrospective study examined outcomes of the largest reported series of eyes, which underwent Descemetorhexis without endothelial keratoplasty (DWEK) for Fuch’s endothelial dystrophy with mean 10 months of follow-up. Seventeen eyes were included in analysis; with 82.4% achieving corneal clearance...

Effect of intravenous mannitol in post vitrectomised eyes

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of intravenous mannitol 20% on intraocular pressure in vitrectomised silicone-oil filled eyes. A prospective analysis of consecutive patients was undertaken with their fellow eyes taken as controls. Thirty-one patients were...

Optic disc haemorrhages as a risk factor for poor outcomes in IIH

This is a report of a review of optic disc photographs, of the type and frequency of the optic disc haemorrhages (ODH), papilloedema grades and other fundoscopic abnormalities at baseline. In the study eyes of 133 patients enrolled in the...

Use of acetazolamide for symptoms of visual vertigo

Visual vertigo is a disorder characterised by symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, unsteadiness, disorientation and general discomfort induced by visual triggers. It is currently treated with vestibular rehabilitation therapy, with no effective pharmacotherapy options available for treatment resistant case. Oral acetazolamide...

IgG4 related orbital disease

This retrospective study was done to determine the prevalence of IgG4 related orbital disease (IgG4ROD) in patients who previously had biopsies for suspected idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease (IOID) and / or orbital lymphoproliferative disease (OLD). The charts and slides of...

Lateral tarsal strip with skin-muscle flap excision in entropion

This was a retrospective study looking at effectiveness of skin-muscle flap in conjunction with a lateral tarsal strip for the correction of involutional entropion. Lateral tarsal strip was combined with a subciliary incision from canthotomy to just lateral to lacrimal...

OCT imaging of occluded puncta

This is a description of the use of enhanced depth optical coherence tomography (OCT) to see whether a patent ampulla or canaliculus is detectable in patients with absent or occluded puncta. Nine occluded puncta of six patients with epiphora were...

Binocular summation responses in strabismic amblyopia

A preliminary study was conducted to determine whether binocular summation (BS) in strabismic amblyopia is more decreased than in strabismus alone and whether strabismus surgery improves BS. The study included 15 strabismic amblyopes, 30 normal controls and 30 strabismic controls....

Choroidal thickness in strabismus and amblyopia

The authors examined the effect of exotropia, esotropia, anisometropic amblyopia and hypermetropia on choroidal thickness in a prospective cross section study. The study included 100 patients and 20 controls with a mean age of 8.5±2.9 years; 61 female and 59...

Fixation disparity measurement

The authors evaluate different procedures looking at point zero, fixation disparity (FD) and motor fusion amplitude in order to calibrate the measurement of FD with Ogle’s apparatus with the overall goal to create a standardised measurement of the FD curve...

Imaging requests for CNP

The authors sought to answer the question of to what extent do differences in policy exist between ophthalmologists and neurologists regarding imaging by MRI of patients with acquired ocular cranial nerve palsy (CNP). They conducted a literature review leading to...

International orthoptics for stroke

The purpose of this study was to consider the practice of orthoptists internationally in care provision for post stroke visual impairment through an international survey. An online survey of 30 questions was circulated via the International Orthoptic Association and completed...