You searched for "laser ophthalmoscopy"

78 results found

Retinal structural features of CMV retinitis

Confocal adaptive optics (AO) technology has enabled cellular level retinal imaging, including imaging of photoreceptors and blood flow. Adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO) is a technology that provides high resolution and high contrast retinal images by correcting ocular aberrations....

Toxic nutritional optic neuropathy (TON)

Toxic optic neuropathy are a group of conditions manifested by reduction of visual functions secondary to damage to the anterior visual pathways from exposure to a toxin. The implicated toxin could be work-based, food or drink related, or iatrogenic medication....

Cortical blindness

Cortical blindness is a rare but recognised entity. Cerebrovascular accident is a well-known risk factor. We report a case of an 84-year-old lady with bilateral cortical blindness with multiple cardiovascular risk factors. Case report An 84-year-old lady was admitted under...

Adaptive optics imaging: resolving single cells in the living eye

The human retina is unique in the central nervous system (CNS) in that it can be directly visualised non-invasively. Technological advances of several imaging modalities, including optical coherence tomography (OCT), multichannel scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) and fundus photography, have afforded...

A standardised strategy for uveitis etiological diagnosis

This was a prospective, non-inferiority, multicentre randomised control trial, which aimed to assess the effectiveness of a standardised approach in the etiological diagnosis of uveitis versus an open strategy, where clinicians could perform any test. The authors developed their standardised...

Stereotactic radiotherapy for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy

Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) is a variant of neovascular AMD. It is a disease of choroidal vasculature characterised by abnormal branching vascular network with aneurysmal dilatations (polyps). Features of PCV include pigment epithelial detachments (PED), subretinal fluid (SRF) accumulation and...

The future of multi-professional working in eye care

How the integration of service improvement technology, and health promotion will allow eye care professionals to overcome current and future challenges. The future of eye care in the UK is at a precipice. Hospital attendances are increasing year on year,...

Home testing versus in-person visual acuity test results

This retrospective review compared visual acuity findings by parents / carers during telehealth consultations compared with their subsequent in-person tests. Parents were given an information pack with testing instructions for home tests. The study included 43 patients (86 eyes) with...

Survey of current undergraduate ophthalmology teaching in the United Kingdom

Is there a crisis in ophthalmic education? The British Undergraduate Ophthalmology Society surveyed medical students and junior doctors to evaluate current ophthalmology teaching across medical schools in the UK. British medicals schools are currently not obligated to include ophthalmology within...

How to get the most out of your ophthalmology elective

If you are in your penultimate year (or even earlier) and have already decided that you want to do ophthalmology, good for you! Ophthalmology is one of the most competitive specialties, and one of the easiest ways to demonstrate your...

Ophtherminator 3 - Rise of the Machines

“Bring back life form, priority one, all other priorities are rescinded.” Film buffs will spot this as a chilling quote spoken by Ash (Ian Holm) from the classic sci-fi horror movie Alien (1979). Ash (spoiler alert) is a Hyperdyne Systems...

What's trending Jun/Jul 2021

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #blindpensioner #teachescooking #cookbook Simon Mahoney lost his eyesight to uveitic glaucoma. His wife was his main carer and did most of...