You searched for "periocular"
Testing of binocular contrast sensitivity as an objective measure of severity in intermittent exotropia
4 December 2023
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Contrast sensitivity, glare, intermittent exotropia, stereopsis
The purpose of this study was to compare the binocular contrast sensitivity ratio (measured with the Vision CSV-100 vector chart) between 40 intermittent exotropia patients and 40 normal controls. The authors also evaluated the effect of intermittent exotropia compensation status...
The Ophthalmic Study Guide for Nurses and Health Professionals (2nd edition)
1 April 2018
| Indira Madgula
EYE - Neuro-ophthalmology, EYE - Paediatrics, EYE - Strabismus, EYE - General
In the last decade, care provision in ophthalmology has changed dramatically. Due to increasing demands on the service, the roles of nurses and other healthcare professionals have expanded to encompass work that was traditionally carried out by doctors. This model...
PDI check Nintendo screening results
5 August 2020
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
‘PDI check’ is a vision assessment game developed for the autostereoscopic upper screen on the Nintendo 3DS XL game console. Version 0.2.5 emphasises quick assessment of monocular acuity, stereoacuity and red-green colour deficiency. The purpose of this study was to...
How a paediatric population presented with diplopia
1 October 2021
| Lauren R Hepworth
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The authors present the results of a retrospective records review of 244 children presenting with diplopia over a three-year period. The majority of cases presented to paediatric ophthalmology clinic; other routes of presentation included eye casualty, neuro-ophthalmology or another eye...
Static subjective visual vertical (SVV) in the normal visual system
1 August 2016
| Claire Howard
Otoliths, preset angle, subjective visual vertical (SVV), test-retest, variability
Graviception is the perception of a persons’ orientation relative to gravitational force. This can be measured by means of subjective verticals, which can be divided into three tests: subjective visual vertical (SVV), subjective postural vertical (SPV) and subjective haptic vertical...
Obituary: a heartfelt goodbye to Roger Pope
One of the most admired of UK opticians, Roger Pope, holder of two Royal Warrants, has sadly passed away leaving a legacy as the greatest colleague and friend to the optical community.How a calcified Soemmerring ring was removed from the vitreous cavity when the cutter and forceps failed to do so
1 June 2018
| Jan Huelle, Jonathan Park
EYE - Vitreo-Retinal
Know’st thou the land where lemon-trees do bloom,And oranges like gold in leafy gloom; A gentle wind from deep blue heaven blows, The myrtle thick, and high the laurel grows? ‘Tis there! ‘tis there, O my beloved one, I with...
Strabismus in thyroid eye disease
Pathogenesis Thyroid eye disease (TED) is an auto-immune condition, in the initial phase there is lymphocytic infiltration and oedema of the extraocular muscles with deposition of glycosaminoglycans and hyaluronic acid and adipogenesis, which can lead to an increase in the...Paraneoplastic optic neuropathy features
1 August 2019
| Jonathan Chan
PNS antibodies, paraneoplastic optic neuropathy, paraneoplastic syndrome (PNS)
This is a retrospective review of seven patients diagnosed with paraneoplastic optic neuropathy (PON) between January 2015 and June 2017. Five patients had a history of primary malignancy, including papillary thyroid carcinoma, type B thymoma, testicular seminoma and lung carcinoma....
Effect of refractive corneal surgery on IOP and glaucoma progression
1 December 2018
| Kurt Spiteri Cornish
Refractive corneal surgery, glaucoma progression, intraocular pressure
Accuracy of intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement depends on the biomechanical properties of the cornea, including its thickness central corneal thickness (CCT) and keratometry (K). Fifty-six eyes of 56 patients with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) who had a history of...
Effect of intravenous mannitol in post vitrectomised eyes
1 June 2018
| Mrinal Rana
Glaucoma, glaucoma in vitrectomized eyes, mannitol, post vitreo-retinal surgery glaucoma, vitreous surgery
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of intravenous mannitol 20% on intraocular pressure in vitrectomised silicone-oil filled eyes. A prospective analysis of consecutive patients was undertaken with their fellow eyes taken as controls. Thirty-one patients were...
Optic nerve head perfusion response to reduced blood pressure and increased intraocular pressure
1 June 2015
| Khadijah Basheer
blood flow, blood pressure, intraocular pressure, optic nerve
The purpose of this prospective study was to test the hypothesis that blood flow autoregulation in the optic nerve head has less reserve to maintain normal blood flow where there is a blood pressure induced decrease in ocular perfusion pressure...