You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Long-term esotropia and exotropia alignment

The authors review surgical outcomes for 317 children having surgery for esotropia (n=235) or exotropia (n=82) for comparative analysis using survival curves. Esotropia surgery was undertaken at a mean of 42 months; exotropia surgery at a mean of 60 months...

Propranolol treatment of infantile haemangioma

This is a retrospective review of 104 patients treated for infantile haemangioma between January 2009 and July 2012. All patients underwent pretesting either with protocol A (administration of test dose with routine observations) or protocol B (cardiology clinic assessment, including...

Combined ranibizumab and ablative therapy for Coat’s disease

The aim of this study was to observe the efficacy of intravitreal ranibizumab (IVR) combined with laser photocoagulation or cryotherapy, for Coats’ disease. Patients younger than 16 years of age who were diagnosed with Coats’ disease were included in this...

Myopia-protective against diabetic retinopathy

This meta-analysis evaluates the current evidence of the relationship between myopia and diabetic retinopathy (DR) risk. A systematic search was performed up to April 2015. Three models were used to assess the association between myopia and risk of DR: axial...

Visual outcomes and predictors in optic pathway glioma

This is a retrospective study of 60 paediatric optic pathway glioma (OPG) patients (NF1 or sporadic) presenting to Great Ormond Street between 2003-2017. Median follow-up was 82 months. Analysis was divided into best and worst eye vision representing level quality...

Causes and outcomes of eyelid lacerations

The purpose of this study was to characterise the epidemiology of paediatric eyelid lacerations, identify risk factors for canalicular involvement and describe postoperative complications after surgical repair. This was a retrospective review of tertiary care trauma centre records in which...

Eye disorders occurring in congenital CMV

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and ophthalmological disorders that occur in children and record the frequency and type of eye disorders that occur from the infection. Of 449 potential studies,...

Surgical correction of lacrimal gland prolapse

This is a systematic review of published literature on the management of lacrimal gland prolapse or ptosis. The authors found 16 publications which contained a description of any surgical correction of a prolapsed lacrimal gland, comprising seven case reports, four...

Visual snow syndrome: a review

Visual snow syndrome (VSS) is a neurological condition characterised by visual phenomena described as dots moving across the visual field. Other visual symptoms can take the form of palinopsia, entopic phenomena, photophobia and nyctalopia. Tinnitus and migraine can be commonly...

MicroRNAs in cataract

In an ageing population cataract formation is one of the leading causes of blindness. Cataracts are caused by a failure to clear accumulating aggregated proteins in the lens. MicroRNAs are small non-coding transcripts which bind to specific mRNAs acting at...

Conventional vs. accelerated cross-linking

The Dresden protocol of 3mW/cm2 irradiance for 30 minutes has been extensively studied and has shown advantageous clinical and topographical results. However, this protocol is time-consuming and therefore accelerated CXL using higher irradiance to shorten treatment duration has emerged. The...

Endothelial cell loss using different graft injectors in DMEK

This study aimed to investigate endothelial cell loss between two injector systems in descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) grafts; a glass injector – modified Jones tube and a plastic injector – closed system IOL injector, the Viscoject 2.2 system. DMEK...