You searched for "palsy"

4041 results found

No such thing as a free lunch

Rudyard Kipling was a very wise chap. He was in San Francisco towards the end of the 19th century and noticed that in some bars and saloons the house was giving away free lunches for every patron who first purchased...

Cura Te Ipsum – Physician, Heal Thyself

I wasn’t on call and my bleep went off. I knew without looking that it was the directorate office. Immediately my heart sank, for these calls were always about bad things. They never called to say “well done Gwyn you’re...

Turn up anytime

When I was starting off in ophthalmology my then boss had a standard spiel after completing a cataract case. It did not vary and I do not recall an instance of it not taking place. “The operation went well and...

Training the trainers

Learning phakoemulsification is a psychologically demanding process. Every ophthalmologist passing through the UK training system will almost certainly have many stories to tell of difficulties faced along the way; hideous disasters where lessons were learnt, as well as glorious triumphs...

The Irlen Experience

My father used to say that humanity is divided into those that see the world through a moral framework and recognise their place within it, and Tories. When a concerned mother came to the paediatric clinic bearing literature from the...

Life in the eye department

The crowd is gathering at the watering hole in the Serengeti that is Friday teaching at the Major Teaching Hospital. Would there be enough different species of consultant present or would there be insufficient numbers? If a critical mass of...

The Complainers

There she was. Sitting in the waiting room with her arms crossed, tut-tutting to herself and shaking her head mournfully every few minutes. We gazed at her from a safe distance while one of the nurses confirmed what we already...

The only thing to fear is fear itself

There is a song by the Amateur Transplants called ‘Finals Fantasy’ which describes in humorous detail how stressful clinical exams can be. Having not done any viva or objectively structured clinical examination (OSCE) style exams for many years indeed I...


“How do I apply for expenses?” I asked one of the secretaries. The Royal Gwent Hospital was so far from home that I had been forced to rent one of their spartan on-site rooms in order to avoid a crippling...

Neuro-ophthalmology: the extended role of an orthoptist

Neuro-ophthalmology has always been a speciality of interest during my studies and now in my career. In 2018, I started a Band 7 post which gave me an extended role in neuro-ophthalmology and the responsibility of developing an orthoptic led...

In conversation with Andrena McElvanney (President, MCLOSA)

We spoke to Andrena about MCLOSA's annual meeting this November, key developments in cornea and external eye disease, and plans for the association’s 30th anniversary. Andrena McElvanney (top, second from right) and the OSI council members. The Medical Contact Lens...

In conversation with Robert MacLaren

Professor Robert MacLaren gave the Keeler Lecture at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Meeting in May 2019 on gene therapy for retinitis pigmentosa. We caught up with him afterwards to find out more. What are the key messages of...