You searched for "procedures"

4121 results found

Anaesthetic drops abuse

A 67-year-old retired female nurse presented with persistent, bilateral, non-healing (>6 weeks) corneal ulcers and stromal ring infiltrates (Figures 1 and 2). The epithelial defects were the result of chemical burns caused by her contact lenses which had been stored...

The orthoptic report – what does it all mean?

An orthoptist report may well look like a piece of Japanese Shodo, however, it does in fact contain some extremely useful information. This piece will briefly explain some of the common brush strokes seen on a report. There is some...

Scope Eyecare announces winners of Independent Prescriber Bursary Awards 2023

The final of the 2023 SCOPE IP Bursary Awards took place on Thursday 29 June 2023. The award, now in its second year, attracted many entries the quality of which were extremely high.

Reflections on deployment to ICU

Being unexpectedly uprooted from ophthalmology to ICU during the coronavirus pandemic was certainly a challenge, not just clinically, but emotionally and personally. However, it is only through adversary that we learn to appreciate what we have, and there are definitely...

Eye disease patients have more opportunity than ever to take part in NHS research studies

A new report highlights how 76% of UK hospitals now offer patients the opportunity to take part in studies of eye disease to improve research and innovation. ‘Ophthalmology research in the UK’s National Health Service: the structure and performance of...

How the other half live – ophthalmology training around the world

Ophthalmology speciality training is currently seven years in the UK without an additional fellowship. UK trainees are privileged to have a training programme that is held in high esteem across the world, but did you ever wonder what other trainees...

Haag-Streit announces winners of Slit Lamp Imaging Competition 2023

Haag Streit is pleased to announce the release of the results of its Slit Lamp Imaging Competition 2023.

A fresh digital look for the Gloucestershire Retinal Education Group

Gloucestershire Retinal Education Group (GREG) have unveiled a new website and invite you to take a look at the wealth of training on offer.

Ombudsman comments on government announcement of duty of candour review

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Rob Behrens comments on the Department of Health and Social Care's announcement about a review into duty of candour.

Haag-Streit launches Eyesi Indirect Ophthalmoscope ROP simulator for retinal examinations on preterm infants

The Eyesi Indirect ROP is a mixed-reality simulator that offers a highly immersive training environment for proper device handling, with an embedded, didactically structured simulator curriculum to teach the diagnostic skills required for correct ROP classification.

Pearls and tricks of the flanged IOL sutures fixation

Complications in cataract surgery are often a nightmare for surgeons. Intraoperative complications are more common in diabetic patients, and solving aphakia in these cases remains a challenge. In a recently published study, Dr Matias Iglicki, Dr Dinah Zur and colleagues...

African Ophthalmology Council Scientific Congress 2024

The African Ophthalmology Council is pleased to announce our inaugural in-person scientific congress for ophthalmologists, optometrists and all allied eye health professionals , to be held at the esteemed Kigali Convention Centre in Kigali, Rwanda, from July 27th to 29th, 2024. With the theme “The African Opportunity: Be it. Find it. Seize it.”, we aim to explore the various opportunities available in Africa for all those like-minded people who continue to push the boundaries of ophthalmic knowledge, improve the lives of those suffering from vision loss, and ensure that everyone, regardless of background or origin, has access to the quality eye care they deserve. Our goal is to provide a platform for discussion and learning about these opportunities.