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What's trending Jun/Jul 2023

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #whoopigoldberg #presbyopia #bionic Whoopi Goldberg made a name for herself in blockbusters such as the Oscar-winning Ghost and Sister Act. She...

Presentation feedback tools

The topic of this issue stems from a desire to find the best free-to-use tool for collecting feedback after a presentation. It is a common requirement for clinicians to collect audience feedback after a teaching session. This feedback contributes toward...

Decontamination and sterilisation of surgical instruments and medical devices

Ann-Marie Ablett is a Theatre Nurse and Team Leader who volunteers with Orbis. This has allowed her to gain a wealth of experience on ophthalmic procedures, nursing in under-privileged parts of the world, leadership, management and use of scarce resources....

Work experience in ophthalmology as an A-Level student

Importance of work experience Medical schools expect applicants to understand what a career in medicine involves, which can be gained through work experience and volunteering. It is strongly recommended by the Medical Schools Council that work experience involves working in...

Situation analysis of diabetic retinopathy services in eleven countries

A five-year project funded by The Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust is facilitating development of diabetic retinopathy services (DRS) to reduce unnecessary blindness in 10 Commonwealth countries through the establishment of a capacity-building network, the DR-NET part of the Commonwealth...

Developments in oculoplastic surgery

A study of NHS practice demonstrated significant patient-reported quality-of-life improvements from commonly performed oculoplastic operations: entropion repair, ectropion repair, ptosis repair and dacrocystorhinostomy (DCR) [1]. In recent years, surgical and non-surgical approaches to functional and aesthetic oculoplastic surgery have advanced...

Medical and eye health teams defy odds to deliver treatments for trachoma in Ethiopia, but millions worldwide risk return of disease amid UK aid cuts

Ophthalmologists, nurses, and eye health workers in Ethiopia defied the odds to treat millions with trachoma-fighting antibiotics and surgeries - despite cuts to UK Aid assistance threatening eye care. This World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day Orbis, the international eye care...

Making sense of the orthoptic assessment

Following the Specialty Trainee article on this topic in the February/March 2020 issue, Joe Smith provides a more detailed breakdown of the orthoptic report. Orthoptists investigate, diagnose and manage a wide variety of patients with varying problems. In this article,...

Diagnosis and management of IV cranial nerve palsy

Aetiology: Trochlear nerve palsy can be divided into acute or congenital. Congenital trochlear nerve palsy is usually noted in childhood with development of abnormal head posture. Various pathologies can lead to acute IV nerve palsy, most commonly trauma. Other causes...

From the seas to OCTs, a journey from working in TV to creating teaching in ophthalmology

To relaunch our Allied Professionals section, Paul Dimmock from Gloucestershire discusses his unique role with the Gloucestershire Retinal Education Group. In Gloucestershire we have a collection of ophthalmic-targeted departments led by Professor Peter Scanlon, Clinical Director of the NHS Diabetic...

Use of international interocular difference thresholds for optic neuritis diagnosis in clinical practice

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common non-traumatic cause of disability in young people, and visual symptoms can be the initial manifestation in up to 20% of cases. Retinal examination can be helpful in making the correct diagnosis. The latest...

The ‘art’ of refraction – designing a refraction course

Learning how to refract requires theoretical knowledge, practice and determination. Refraction is a notoriously challenging skill to acquire and the competing demands on junior ophthalmologists can often be restrictive of the development of this core skill. To consolidate theory learnt...